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df540148 t1_jdgpssl wrote

All but one EoTR, fwiw.


Brave-Cream391 t1_jdgwhjq wrote

It’s a mistake to discount NW. a few years ago there were more shootings west of the river. KDY and CRD get it in. It’s gonna be a long summer.


swampoodler t1_jdh6sez wrote

I mean, population wise it would make sense that there’s more crime WOTR. But that’s just not how things be.


ih8t314 t1_jdha589 wrote

Go where the good stuff is and maybe not shitting where you eat? A lot of stolen cars end up on my street but no one steals cars off my street. (EOTR-NE)


Feisty_Law_3321 t1_jdhbqus wrote

How many shooting have been at 14/V over the last couple years? I wonder why police refuse to care. It makes me think they want this to happen. It would be so easy to stop it. Would they move somewhere else? I dunno, maybe. Isn’t it worth trying though?


DeliMcPickles t1_jdhmt2q wrote

What are the easy steps to solve it?


Feisty_Law_3321 t1_jdi582r wrote

Place a larger-than-necessary police presence (on foot) on that corner. Done.


DeliMcPickles t1_jdja78c wrote

Ah, okay. So I put 5 cops there around the clock. They're on overtime right? And that's going to be forced overtime I'm thinking. Otherwise I'm taking 5 cars out of service a shift.

You are right that this is will stop the shootings on the southwest corner of 14th and V. But what happens when they move to 14th and W. Do I hold V St and add four cops up there? Or do I move them?


Feisty_Law_3321 t1_jdjddgg wrote

Glad you managed to figure out the complex logistics of placing cops on a street corner. Now that we’ve gotten that far, to your second point, don’t you think it’s worth trying first and crossing your hypothetical bridge when we hypothetically get to it?


mikitronz t1_jdjetyk wrote

>don’t you think it’s worth trying first

You don't think the police have tried being where crimes happen?


DeliMcPickles t1_jdjfje4 wrote

I didn't realize you were serious, sorry. No, its absolutely not worth it. Full Stop.

This method only works if the only goal is to prevent shootings at one corner. I will say it might not work. Some cops have experiences witnessing gunfire from a car or person within 200 feet of them, so not everyone is deterred. But again, this approach is only hopefully deterring this crime at one small location. Then there's the question, what makes this one corner more deserving than entire neighborhoods EOTR?

But saturation is not sustainable, and it doesn't stop the violence usually, it just moves it or maybe hopefully delays it. This is actually more complicated than you think.


Feisty_Law_3321 t1_jdjsz3l wrote

Sounds like you have it all figured out detective pickles.


DeliMcPickles t1_jdjuj3d wrote

Oh not at all. But I do know enough to know that easy solutions from people not familiar with the work probably aren't that feasible.


Feisty_Law_3321 t1_jdjzef3 wrote

Yeah you’re right let’s just stick with the status quo instead of what could be an easy fix for residents who have been absolutely terrorized over the last decade.


borneoknives t1_jdhrgls wrote

> I wonder why police refuse to care.

because it's a catch and release situation with the prosecutors so why risk your life to put a guy in jail for 10 hours?


Feisty_Law_3321 t1_jdi5m4j wrote

Yeah that’s one of the reasons I think that they don’t care. Just gonna let them keep shooting each other I guess.


bubbabubba345 t1_jdhrwb3 wrote

So the police willfully aren’t doing their job? Why do we need more then?


borneoknives t1_jdhs8xo wrote

ya'll seem to think that MPD street cops are also the MPD major crimes unit. it's extremely complicated and political


bubbabubba345 t1_jdhzbz6 wrote

didn't the AUSA for DC say recently that the reason most cases get dismissed is because of 1) DC's unaccredited crime lab; 2) bad/unconstitutional police work that's being captured on body cams, among other issues?

Obviously it's a complicated issue, but at the end of the day, you have to be able to prove a crime happened in court...


solidrecommendations t1_jdgsq6n wrote

What’s your point


df540148 t1_jdgz0cc wrote

Stating a fact, not making a point. It's not a judgement call to say all but one of these shootings was isolated to a small portion of the city


Gumburcules t1_jdhfk8o wrote

> a small portion of the city

The vast majority of 2/8 Wards, roughly 1/4 of the population and 1/4 the land area of the city is "a small portion of the city?"


df540148 t1_jdhgaf8 wrote

Pull em up on a map. You can walk to at least 2-3 from another.


solidrecommendations t1_jdh95gq wrote

The “fwiw” seemed like you were trying to add more than just location data … sorry if asking this question upset you


zapatocaviar t1_jdhfww3 wrote

Seems like you’re reading into that. Probably the majority of redditors here are wotr so it’s relevant that it wasn’t more local to this population.

Fwiw says “if you’re nw, it wasn’t around you so maybe that makes you feel better”.

Sorry if this response upsets you. (I don’t mean that, just trying to show you what it sounds like).


celj1234 t1_jdhd52m wrote

People on this sub don’t actually care about crime over there


zapatocaviar t1_jdhgsns wrote

I think most of this sub wishes there were less crime everywhere, more opportunity, more equity, etc.

Most of this sub also wants to know if this happened near their homes as well.

I don’t get why people are jumping on this. Everyone - you included - cares more about crime near your home than crime further away.

You’re not a bad person for that.


celj1234 t1_jdhhfbg wrote

DC is my home. 🤷🏾‍♂️


zapatocaviar t1_jdhhs8j wrote

Sure. And you feel differently, with different intensity, about different parts of the city.