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literpu OP t1_jec2nio wrote

I’ve posted a single video of a prominent member of the house delegation that is exerting direct control over our ability to govern ourselves. I think that’s reasonable and far from an obsession.


Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jec3fj1 wrote

It's not you as such, it's the litany of posts about that circus.


Cool_Story_Bra t1_jecmrvz wrote

Congressional staff make up 20-25,000 jobs in DC and their work directly impacts the day to day work of many many more.

Congress also has ultimate control over DC local politics.

Not sure why you would be surprised that people post about these things.


Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jecohpu wrote

>Congressional staff make up 20-25,000 jobs in DC

Do they tho? They're a rounding error compared to the executive branch.

Not surprised, just tired of them.
