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Mindless-Employment t1_iu6ealy wrote

"Safety also responded and found 18 safety violations between the two school buses taking the children on the field trip. A third bus that responded to replace the damaged bus was also found to have safety violations. The unit determined none of the bus drivers were properly licensed to be driving the school buses."

This guy is just a symptom of a huge problem all over the country. Being a school bus driver doesn't pay well and the schedule - get up really early, work for a few hours, work again for a few hours in the afternoon five days a week - has to make it really difficult to have another job to make up the income shortfall.

It's not easy to find people who can pass the drug screen and backgeound check and who are willing to put up with the pay, the schedule, the stress and dealing with dozens of wild kids every day. Also, if DCPS is like many/most other school systems, the bus drivers are not school system employees. They're probably employed by some contractor or staffing service that pays badly and provides bare minimum benefits, which the drivers likely don't qualify for anyway since the weekly hours don't add up to full time.

Schools systems of every size all over the country have this problem. My brother was a substitute teacher last year in another state and school administrators tried more than once to persuade him to drive a school bus because they had such a shortage. He does not have any credentials to drive a school bus.


Not_A_Hemsworth t1_iu6rz2v wrote

I doubt the contractors are responsible for maintaining the busses though. That has to be on the school system which means all the vehicle safety violations are on the school system.


Professional-Can1385 t1_iu6to33 wrote

Do you know for sure DC owns the buses? In my school system, the school did not own the buses, the vendors did. The guy that owned the bus I rode owned 2 buses that serviced my school. My bus was just average, but some of my friends had nicer buses b/c different people owned them.


DrunkWoodchuck t1_iu7j6wj wrote

Don’t think dc owns the busses used for field trips. DC only provides transportation via school bus for students with IEPs, so keeping a fleet of full-size field trip busses ready would be needlessly expensive.