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Gaijin_Monster t1_itgv4c6 wrote

how long before someone finds a way to ruin it for everyone?


-myBIGD t1_itgva76 wrote

How about trains that run on time?


LeoMarius t1_itgwhpi wrote

> The Hitachi Rail factory that will build the next generation of Metro rail cars in Hagerstown is set to open in 2024.

So the factory won't open until 2024. Does that mean we won't see these trains until 2025 at the earliest?


sumpdiddlyump_ t1_itgwp2w wrote

I don’t understand the purpose of either, especially the heated floors. Are people walking barefoot on Metro??


BPCGuy1845 t1_itgwst1 wrote

Maybe keep all of your lines running first before teasing new train cars.


chefr89 t1_itgxh9c wrote

i always appreciate good snark about metro, but I think studies have shown it's the most efficient way of heating homes. idk if that would be true of train cars though


Zennlee_ t1_itgxre4 wrote

My brother in christ we just want more reliable trains so there's this beautiful thing called "a train every 5 minutes" and "on-time trains"


summatophd t1_itgxrjg wrote

I bet people in the year 2030 will love that.


Cozy_Roe t1_itgyqua wrote

Nice, it’s still gonna smell like piss


CriticalStrawberry t1_itgzwp9 wrote

It may be counter intuitive, but it will actually reduce complexity. Wires or coils that get hot when you run power through them in the floor have a lot less that can go wrong than a full blown HVAC coolant loop system.


pgm123 t1_ith1912 wrote

They were running more than 8 an hour during rush before the 7000 went offline, so I'd imagine the 8000 would allow them to resume that schedule. There was a report the other day that WMATA believed the trains were overcrowded for COVID conditions and tried to get the safety commission to clear the 7000s and were denied. I see no reason why the 8000s wouldn't get them back to that earlier schedule unless there's a driver shortfall.


WhtvrCms2Mnd t1_ith1ew5 wrote

All fun and games till the homeless use it as a bathroom and we’ve got cars that smell like hot piss… 🤢


bFallen t1_ith2k4r wrote

Bruh for real. It’s bad enough that the metro doesn’t take you everywhere you need to go, but the single biggest factor in me rarely using it is I could leave for the station and my commute time could shoot up by 15mins because I left 30 seconds later than I needed to. As is, if I want to use the metro, I have to leave 15mins earlier than the commute time just in case I am slightly late for the train, so I’m not late for the thing I’m going to. A reliable train system with trains running every ~5 mins would do wonders.

When I lived in Asia it was incredible. Go at any time, you’ll never wait longer than 6 mins for a train. You always knew how long it would take to get somewhere.

If the fundamentals of public transit aren’t even nailed down the extra stuff just doesn’t make a difference.


Zennlee_ t1_ith4aab wrote

Exactly! I'd rather WMATA nail the basic things first like making the tracks and trains more reliable, and also putting more trains on the tracks before doing anything else. As more putting more trains, I would want them to fix the safety issues first for the 7000s before announcing this buying of the 8000s trains.


boredlawyer90 t1_ith4ft6 wrote

Yeah but will they fit on the goddamn tracks and not break? LOL


tmack99 t1_ith5bzg wrote

How bout wheels that fit with the tracks


bFallen t1_ith5dhg wrote

Yup yup, and I’d pay a higher fare if they made it more reliable too. Still a lot cheaper than an Uber.

Another thing I think could help is the Rail + Property model that the Hong Kong MTR uses. They are actually profitable because they develop the real estate around metro stations, and the developed real estate generates positive externalities since it makes metro stops more attractive places for people to go. Obviously it’s not a system that you can just implement easily but for a metro system with financial issues but a population that shows demand for better transit, it’s worth investigating how elements of the model might be applicable.


pizzajona t1_ith69gt wrote

I just want to the axles to be hammered in correctly


Oopq t1_ith6yek wrote

I understand there's valid issues people have with the metro, but for me coming from Philly, the DC metro is so many leaps and bounds better than what I'm used to that I'm always shocked to hear people complain about it.


swampoodler t1_ith7gib wrote

This is all for naught unless Metro enforces rules on the train; some will seek to ruin nice things, and those people should be removed from ridership pool.


Zennlee_ t1_ith7qke wrote

Oh I know. It's just that I think they should fix the 7000s first and put them back on the tracks so we have more trains every few minutes again, before announcing their intent to buy a new fleet of trains.


er1cj t1_ith8kuy wrote

I give those charging ports a week, max.


Op-Sec1 t1_ithdwfg wrote

No one needs heated floors so cancel that please


strangechicken t1_ithewki wrote

Yeah SEPTA is icky in all ways. But We're complaining because if you go to basically any peer industrialized country's capital city, their public transportation system is generally light years ahead of Metro. It's how wasted the potential is that gets people upset. Add on crime and general shenanigans and it leaves people less than satisfied despite being even better than most options in the states.


TyrantsInSpace t1_ithfcek wrote

OK now tell us what's going to break that takes them out of commission for 2 years.


ZonaPunk t1_ithft91 wrote

Just imagine the heated urine smells


oxtailplanning t1_ithfw6u wrote

Charging outlets are going to be very useful. Also noted is the new HD security cameras which is a nice addition.


SGoogs1780 t1_ithiftn wrote

I don't mean to be a jerk, but the answer to your question is literally the next sentence in the article:

>The Hitachi Rail factory that will build the next generation of Metro rail cars in Hagerstown is set to open in 2024. The new trains are expected a year later


WMATAnerd t1_ithittg wrote

This article would've caused far less hubbub if the headline used the more technical term "electric radiant heating" instead of "heated floors".

"Heated floors" makes people think bathrooms in expensive homes, where heated floors are used in addition to another system to heat the whole home. With these railcars, the floor is taking over the entire job of heating the railcar in the winter. It's not some frivolous add-on.


DesertPilgrim t1_ithjpc8 wrote

There's always the people who always show up in WMATA threads and say "I simply plan my entire life around assiduously checking Metro timetables and apps so that I don't arrive at the station at the incorrect time" as if either option is sufficiently accurate to begin with, not to mention that the only way to get people to take transit rather than drive is to make it something you don't have to plan your plans around because the headways are short.

And yeah, before someone says that my sarcastic remark doesn't match their experience of using apps or whatever: you simply shouldn't have to know this, you should be able to walk into a metro station and get on a train in short order, not after a quarter of an hour of waiting in the dark caverns.


MindStalker t1_ithkdix wrote

Seems as though the design of the 7000 were broken from the start.

Everyone wants the trains to run more often, the only way to do that is to buy more trains. They can't buy any more old train models, they simply don't exist. The 7000s are too heavy and aren't the correct width.


dcux t1_ithkf7x wrote

Air source heat pumps can deliver 3x the energy they consume, can be reversed to do heating or cooling, and are growing in popularity in residential systems.

If they're going to have an AC system already, why not this?


oxtailplanning t1_ithks1t wrote

I assume there were numerous planning meetings, an analysis of alternatives, cost estimates, and many more things that we were not privy to here that factored into the decision.


WhiteClawsNoLaws t1_ithmc9m wrote

I’ll trade you one heated floor for one train on time. The ball is in your court.


dkon4 t1_ithp9ll wrote

If you are a DMV resident of even 5+ years ago, you would know metro has gotten much worse despite their funding. When I was a kid living around here, I remember thinking how great the metro will be in 20 years… yeah that never happened lol but to be fair, I haven’t used public transportation in Philly. And when the metro does work, it’s great.


MsTravelista t1_ithpkfg wrote

Can we throw in reliable escalators and elevators too?


Nexis4Jersey t1_ithqupk wrote

Harrisburg gives the bare minimum of funding to SEPTA its working with shoestrings sadly.... Every time I visit SEPA and SNJ and see all those abandoned rail lines while sitting in traffic it makes my heart sink... They have expansion/restoration plans but nothing happens...


ruskiytroll t1_ithukqz wrote

okurr - we… we all understand that one of the core issues for the 7000 series was DRAWING POWER … right? Or am I misremembering?


124psu t1_ithvn3b wrote

Don’t let the homeless know about the heated seats with winter comin


hey_dingus t1_ithxg4d wrote

The ventilation system on the trains is a major weight contributor and power draw. The 7000 series trains weigh way more than the 2, 3, or 6k series. Heated floors, and the lighter ventilation system, could save a lot on the overall weight of the rail cars. Being heavy is part of the operational problems of the 7ks; more wear and tear on the rails, draws a lot more power from the 3rd rail than the legacy trains for all its systems, etc.


ko21361 t1_iti461i wrote

give us the hot weed air


Twisked t1_itidk8l wrote

Yep!!! 100% this. Those outlets are gonna be trashed and made unusable within a month. They somehow need to incorporate wireless charging, otherwise they are guaranteed to be jammed up with gum and paperclips.


I_R_TEH_BOSS t1_itii6jp wrote

Can't wait for the heated floors to accidentally turn on during the summer and kill me.


WorkSucks135 t1_itimx3z wrote

It's WMATA. Meaning somebody high up is friends/family with someone who owns a company that installs/sells these systems and gave them the contact. Or just straight up took a bribe for it.


granulabargreen t1_itio1jp wrote

This is part of a long term contract that was already in the works to replace the even older trains, the two aren’t mutually exclusive and we should be happy about this news.


heels_n_skirt t1_itio6f5 wrote

I wish they would have a continuous connection between the trains instead of doors. It'll have more room for everyone.


Neversoft4long t1_itioz6e wrote

What do heated floors even help with? The outlets would be a welcome addition tho lol


Zennlee_ t1_itir3vi wrote

Ahh, thought this was just a newly-done contract they've made since they didn't say it the article, which was why I was a little upset lol. In that case, let's hope these new trains would have less problems than the 7000s


Zennlee_ t1_itisqx9 wrote

Yeah, that's one of the reasons I never trust any public charging stations. It's a neat feature to add to Metro trains, but I'll still not use one for cybersecurity reasons. There's a reason why I have my own power bank in my bag for charging


PlumbTheDerps t1_itiurx8 wrote

ah yes so when they light on fire it is a feature not a bug


damnatio_memoriae t1_itixccm wrote

in terms of comfort (including cleanliness) it's definitely the best i've ever used in the US. (tokyo is 100x better though). in terms of convenience it's not even close. the stations are way too few and far between, trains don't come nearly often enough, and the variable pricing requiring the rider to swipe again on the way out is unnecessarily annoying.


Number1RankedHuman t1_itj40ke wrote

Not ready to get assaulted by someone over a stupid outlet.


Baaaakedbeans t1_itj5263 wrote

So we can smell toasted pee and poop? Nice.


CCOUNTYCCROOK t1_itj7hzz wrote

The solution to the housing crisis I guess


g3n3ralcha0s t1_itjduc0 wrote

We need neither heated floors or charging ports. Why the hell would heated floors be on the upgrade list? How about improved status screens? How about bigger windows? How about a quieter ride? How about better metro “driver” speaker? How about an outages screen?


kallie412 t1_itjs7qt wrote

heated floors sounds like the worst thing to happen to a metro train.

scenario 1: it's the hottest day of summer. the ac in the metro cars is obviously out and you're shoved into the car like a pack of sardines. but your feet feel like the first circle of hell because...heated floor.

scenario 2: all that food people leave on the metro just stanking and stay lukewarm on the hot floor allllll day.

charging units sound great though.


Equal_Memory_661 t1_itktwmd wrote

Great. I’m sure the hobo’s will greatly enjoy those luxuries…


forrestpen t1_itkzp6q wrote

I’m not sure I trust heated floors on a Metro train.

Imagine getting cooked like a lobster because the redline train constantly stops!


NaughtyGoddess t1_itlmisi wrote

Calm down WMATA, fix the rails first.

Get better overhead.

Fix fare evasion somehow....

You're not ready for an 8k. Lawd have mercy.


51stStar t1_itlomqe wrote

Let those floors get good and warm, then get some rainwater or snow melt on 'em. Some tracked-in leaves, and a couple of chicken bones that someone dropped. Stir it all around and you got a stew going.


jednorog t1_itlq6a3 wrote

Potentially a silly question, but given that we know airborne pathogens are around and here to stay, wouldn't a strong ventilation system be something to prioritize?


CGTrumpet t1_itm4zmm wrote

I can see the video title now. "Can I beat Halo on the original Xbox before the train gets to my stop?"