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celj1234 t1_itv3v31 wrote

Going to be easier to cab or Uber unless traffic is shitty but the airport toll road makes that less of a concern


Obvious-Design8030 t1_itv507c wrote

It's always going to be easier, but last time I went to Dulles it was $70 for an Uber.


UnoStronzo t1_itva3wv wrote

I live 5 min from IAD (driving) and paid $18 for my airport Uber ride a couple of weeks ago.


Cythrosi t1_itvqlfu wrote

Yeah, flew back into Dulles last night from a trip and it was $23 to go what would have been one stop if the Silver Line expansion was running and it would have cost me only a few bucks instead.


celj1234 t1_itv8nyd wrote

Damn. Just looked right now it $45. I normally drive if going out to Dulles so didn’t realize it could get as high as 70


keegman907 t1_itvcuuk wrote

I live in Old Town Alexandria and my most expensive trip to date was $113.


Torn8oz t1_itv66te wrote

Well, it's a $50 Uber vs probably a ~$5 metro ride (or $2 on the weekends), so I know I'd be willing to spend a little extra time on the metro to save that money


celj1234 t1_itv8gw1 wrote

Time is money and also if it’s a work trip that’s getting expensed anyways.


Cythrosi t1_itvqw3m wrote

Depends on your company's expense policies. Mine would definitely make me justify why I needed the $50 Uber over the $5 Metro fare outside of scheduling reasons.


celj1234 t1_itw4pys wrote

No doubt. Deff different for all situations


22304_selling t1_itv8dvw wrote

Enjoy your $60 rides in a Toyota camry


celj1234 t1_itv9czj wrote

I drive when I have to fly to outta that airport
