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honeypot19 OP t1_ispo4l2 wrote

the last post on this topic was made a year ago, and it looks like the artists mentioned in that thread have all relocated. I’m just hoping to get some updated info!


[deleted] t1_isq5uvz wrote



honeypot19 OP t1_isq60jc wrote

I have already tried that and it didn’t yield many results so I thought I’d see if anyone on here knew of anyone.


roadnotaken t1_isppic6 wrote

The last post on this topic was probably yesterday, but removed by the mods.


88138813 t1_isprvji wrote

there was definitely a hand poke tattoo thread like a week ago that got deleted.


honeypot19 OP t1_isq65m7 wrote

Well a deleted thread isn’t very helpful to me