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Cool_Story_Bra t1_is3bnn7 wrote

Yes it’s reasonably difficult. How hard specifically matters a lot on who you want to work for and what your background is. Working for Mitch McConnell or AOC will be harder to land than some relatively obscure house member.


MorbiusMovieTime OP t1_is3c4dc wrote

So safe to say if you live in a district in the middle of no where your odds improve?


[deleted] t1_is3d4uh wrote



Cool_Story_Bra t1_is3ekes wrote

You don’t have to work for the district you live in (though it helps) and not all districts are the same. 700,000 people in Manhattan is going to produce a lot more college graduates with liberal arts degrees (polisci or similar are most typical on the hill) than most other districts.


loogie_hucker t1_is3f2vb wrote

not quite. there's not really a relationship between the office you work in and where you live. if you can get a spot, you take it.