Trying to track down what happened to this enormous macrame wall hanging in a hotel lobby (Watergate?). My mom made it back in the 70s. Any thoughts on tracking it down appreciated.
Submitted by jeremyjava t3_yedd99 in washingtondc
Update: Okay, I'm a big dummy: pops just confirmed it wasn't DC but the Sheraton Reston VA.
I did some research on this about 5yrs ago and figured out which hotel it was--I don't recall right now which one, and probably doesn't matter. It'll probably come down to someone, one day, hopefully saying something like, "My dad saved that from going in a dumpster... it's in a storage unit..." or some other such far-fetched unlikely outcome.
But maybe it's worth trying.
Fun fact: That's her depleted and exhausted on the sofe. She had to make this entire thing in something like 72 hours bc the hotel rejected some other big piece they consigned from another artist, and they called my mom to make it with a strict deadline for a big event or an their grand opening.
She recruited every friend on the upper west side of Manhattan, including us kids to work on it around the clock. Once it was too big to work on in my future step-dad's apt, it was brought out onto West 83rd off Central Park W to work on it on the sidewalk--10,000's of knots. That's ALL macrame, including the wind. Her name isn't visible here, but it was crocheted or macramed in black thread into the base of the wind coming out of the goddess's mouth.
Ok I love this wall hanging, and the backstory. 72 hours is insane!! Your mom was clearly really talented. Thanks for pointing her out on the couch, I wouldn’t have noticed!
Sure and thank you for the kind words. I was/am so used to a lifetime of her work that it's really touching to hear the way others see her or her works.
With a backstory like that I really hope it was preserved. Can see a demo crew wanting to trash it though. Very cool 70s vibe. In a way it reminds me of Peter Max (with the lines anyway).
Thanks for the sentiment and you nailed it, Peter Max's right hand woman and I think his marketing chief was one of my mom's best friends and lived around the corner from us on the upper west side. We played with her kids and her entire apartment was Peter Max: Peter Max piano, bed sheets, mural, clocks. She used to give her us stuff like bags of Peter Max buttons that I don't know what a single one would be worth today.
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