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speedycat2014 t1_itxh4mo wrote

>Not like the crappy macrame art my mom had hanging up in our house in the early 80s.

Those macrame owls...


Alex3M3TI8 t1_itxhvop wrote

Haha, not an owl, but I think it was an abstract macrame woman with odd lines forming her general shape, and weird beads in obvious places like eyes, nose, nipples and such. It was nailed to the wall and when I was a kid, I was fairly certain it ripped itself off the walls and walked around the first floor of the house when we slept, only we couldn't hear it move because it was shuffling around on shag carpeting. Nightmares....


jeremyjava OP t1_itxjwvy wrote

I hear you, /u/speedycat2014, and /u/alex3m3ti8, there's a lot of macrame oddness out there in the world. I learned at an early age to tell the artist of said oddness that their stuff was really nice and just not talk about my mom much.


Alex3M3TI8 t1_itxksk9 wrote

If my mom had made a piece like that, I'd sure talk about it. I think the marcrame stuff my mom had was probably the 1980's equivalent of the "Not All Who Wander are Lost" / "It's Wine-o-clock somewhere" / "Live, Laugh Love" AirBnB 'art' stuff.


jeremyjava OP t1_itxqh5v wrote

Understood for sure; still it was a little awkward to say things like, "Say, great owl bead pubes you selected there... by the way, have you seen my mom's piece on the cover of Cosmo or Vogue?

Edits: added link/clarity/fixed typo, etc


shamdock t1_itxyo70 wrote

Thisnisnt by far the douchiest macrame relayed thing ever uttered or typed.


hannahmadamhannah t1_itzoxpc wrote

Absolutely stellar series of articles they're hyping there too.


jeremyjava OP t1_itzpme2 wrote

Yknow, I was going to point out that I think they're virtually identical to the cover stories today, 50 yrs later.