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CaptainObvious110 t1_iu6nei2 wrote

Yeah I understand your frustrations and I share them. Please don't take out your frustrations on those here that aren't the actual problem.

With that said I absolutely agree with you but I would say take away their car on the spot and make it illegal to purchase a car ANYWHERE.

The fines can easily be paid by people with plenty of money so there has to be another way to make those people accountable for their actions. Also, people will make the excuse that any of this being enforced would be a danger to poor black people. The way things are today I can absolutely see that happening.

As it is a lot of people have the absolutely racist and absurd belief that black folks simply cannot help being agressive no matter where we are. That due to the awful legacy of slavery that we cannot help being on our phones when folks need to focus on driving instead.

This reminds me that the issue of people on their phones while driving needs to carry charges that can imprison people if they don't comply. We live in a time where Bluetooth and other handsfree devices are inexpensive enough that they should be ubiquitous at this point.

Again, if a person can't conduct themselves properly while driving a motor vehicle then it makes me wonder what other issues of self control they possess. Maybe they simply aren't competent enough to drive.

What I think is that driving school should be absolutely mandatory. With sections where people are actually riding bicycles though the city so they can get a feel for what that experience is actually like. Not some preset track either. Actual city streets and conditions.

What you think about that?


Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iu7gqg1 wrote

Wait a min… is driving school not mandatory? Holy fuck no wonder it’s so bad here. Driving school should be mandatory with a minimum of 20 hours in class and maybe another 5-10 behind the wheel with an official instructor

Also for rich people the consequences of paying tickets is that their insurance rates go up so they’ll be paying higher insurance for a minimum of 5-7 years.