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lolllzzzz t1_iwt4mh7 wrote

Reply to comment by iidesune in [ Removed by Reddit ] by [deleted]

You must be one of those annoying cyclists.

There are amble signs indicating bicycles must be walked through the national mall. Especially in that area.


iidesune t1_iwt4ype wrote

Bikes are permitted in the mall except for within the memorials themselves


lolllzzzz t1_iwt65xy wrote

So you think riding a bike through a group of wheelchair bound individuals is acceptable? Cool.

I worked as park ranger on the mall, several years ago, and can 💯 tell you you are wrong.


veloharris t1_iwul74h wrote

The filmed behavior is not acceptable. However, biking is absolutely permitted in the area that this was filmed. If the person on the bike gave ample room, kept both wheels on the ground and moved at a reasonable speed all would've been well. The rules may have changed since you were a ranger, no walking of the bike required.


iidesune t1_iwt93pv wrote

> So you think riding a bike through a group of wheelchair bound individuals is acceptable? Cool.

That is not what I'm saying
