keyjan t1_iwialau wrote
There is one more stop, I believe… (Although yes, some people were riding just for fun.)
Zoroasker t1_iwiavvm wrote
You are right, although looking the the new map it’s actually two. Had no idea!
American_Astra t1_iwibfv9 wrote
Hah I was there for that moment! Loved the energy in that car!
keyjan t1_iwic5xl wrote
danib62 OP t1_iwideij wrote
There were some great vibes
TigerWing t1_iwie6n2 wrote
I’m On my way to Dulles right now. Rode for fun and got a first day pennant and Silver Line Metro card
Mister_Snrub t1_iwiev95 wrote
That's a cool souvenir, but if you don't care about it all that much, I bet there are serious rail fans who will pay real money for it on eBay.
GMorristwn t1_iwif9fs wrote
That lady Metros.
UnoStronzo t1_iwifiec wrote
Evaderofdoom t1_iwigvv7 wrote
The hero we need with great leopard print bags. Safe travels Ma'am!
WaterBubbly t1_iwiltae wrote
I know her.
danib62 OP t1_iwilvit wrote
Did she know she was taking the first train??
WaterBubbly t1_iwim5wi wrote
danib62 OP t1_iwim95b wrote
Well let her know that she’s an absolute legend
WaterBubbly t1_iwimh8g wrote
She's on a plane to Scotland, but I did blow up her Messenger.
Amystery123 t1_iwismwo wrote
Amusing 🌝
spacegreysus t1_iwiyjh6 wrote
As was I! Fun times all round.
CounselorNebby t1_iwiz6ne wrote
Brawldud t1_iwizl8f wrote
Yeah!! So much excitement and whooping and clapping 🥳
WhtvrCms2Mnd t1_iwj0r17 wrote
SluggingAndBussing t1_iwj3zvq wrote
burdboxwasok t1_iwjbvsr wrote
jesus what a legendary day for her. on the first silver line train to IAD and gets to go to scotland. i’m high as fuck and so jealous rn i want to be in scotland now
FrogMan9001 t1_iwjd72r wrote
I wasn't on that train but I was on the silver ticket train. When we passed through the IAD station on the way to Ashburn I was really surprised to see how many travelers were at the IAD station waiting for the train to DC.
jamariiiiiiii t1_iwje28j wrote
what a queen
danib62 OP t1_iwje9za wrote
Yea this surprised me to. After getting to Ashburn I backtracked and got off at IAD and was floored by the number of people with suitcases getting on the train to ride into town.
Tsukune_Surprise t1_iwjfv82 wrote
Smoke some more. Put on Braveheart. And close yer eyes.
You’ll be in Scotland soon.
burdboxwasok t1_iwjg7qp wrote
you’ll take the high road and i’ll take the low road, and i’ll be in scotland before you
for those that don’t get the reference
Tsukune_Surprise t1_iwjghs1 wrote
wizer1212 t1_iwjku15 wrote
Reddit gold
UnoStronzo t1_iwjl6wl wrote
I got a pennant too. Rail fans? How much? O.O
UnoStronzo t1_iwjlamk wrote
I rode the metro for fun to Ashburn shortly after it opened :D
Rooster_Ties t1_iwjn5kk wrote
MintyLacroix t1_iwjnun9 wrote
And that lady was Albert Einstein.
Goosehybrid t1_iwjoxd9 wrote
No_Violinist8971 t1_iwjqbmd wrote
*insert photo of Ben Affleck taking a cigarette pull * “Goddd I love transit.”
danib62 OP t1_iwjs2p5 wrote
Only during peak times, and honestly given how far away it is it should probably cost even more but metro fares are capped at $6.
Kitchen_Software t1_iwjwmt3 wrote
The cost per minute is next level.
(I’m so sad they can’t run express trains)
sportspadawan13 t1_iwjwsos wrote
Yeah with you, I think it's a great deal. Faster than a taxi and way, way cheaper.
lemonlymanfanclub t1_iwk0ins wrote
It is hilarious to me that you can now take the metro to Dulles but not to DCA
danib62 OP t1_iwk15cn wrote
aabb09042 t1_iwk1lwu wrote
LOL I read this out loud in my head. Uhhhh indeed
lemonlymanfanclub t1_iwk4krt wrote
Ah did they finish the bridge construction?? For a while there was no way there from DC
theHamz t1_iwk6c50 wrote
This dude really didn't know there is a blue line?
Your mind is about to be blown
SGoogs1780 t1_iwk6db6 wrote
The Bridge construction's still going, but that only effects the yellow line. The blue line is running to DCA.
lemonlymanfanclub t1_iwk71qm wrote
Lol tbh couldn’t tell ya the last time I took the blue line! coming from NW DC it is an ass backwards way to get to the airport and I think I must’ve gotten lucky on the day I flew recently cause it was down too, assumed that was a regular thing.
lemonlymanfanclub t1_iwk7p6z wrote
Thank you for the clarification :)
Fermata103 t1_iwkap96 wrote
This is actually really adorable
littleveggieater t1_iwkkk75 wrote
This is beautiful
repowers t1_iwkoe29 wrote
Wait so it’s really, REALLY open now???
Me in 2014, fresh to DC: wait there’s no train to Dulles?
Me in 2016: wait they just started building it?
Me in 2020, just returned to DC: man it’s nice they have a train to Dulles now—- wait it’s still not open?!?
Me now: this can’t be a thing
midweastern t1_iwkst5a wrote
I want a Silver Line metro card! Day 1 only or is it some opening week type of thing?
lizarddiva t1_iwkzzzg wrote
Words of wisdom to all DC Metro riders.
danib62 OP t1_iwl1mff wrote
You can let your friend know that she’s now gone viral on the hellsite known as twitter too
kylco t1_iwl4g18 wrote
You're one of us, now.
bubbabubba345 t1_iwl5en9 wrote
I think the GM said on twitter they’ll have them at new stations in limited quantities (<20,000 or something like that).
shy-throwaway-71 t1_iwl6tq3 wrote
I have $5 👉👈
Complex-Marzipan-218 t1_iwl77qn wrote
I swear people in DC are so cute about this stuff
WaterBubbly t1_iwlaio7 wrote
Ha. I guess I will tag her on the Twitter
St1834 t1_iwlc77n wrote
I believe they're called Trainnies
mavwok t1_iwljbx7 wrote
That brings back memories. I haven't seen Runrig live since the Barrowlands gig just before Christmas 1989.
SGoogs1780 t1_iwlkxkq wrote
You're welcome!
I live in NOVA on the yellow/blue line and often take the yellow line for work (when it actually runs) so I'm always up-to-date on those two lol.
_masterofdisaster t1_iwlmj3n wrote
I don’t live in DC, what’s the reason for the fanfare about this?
burdboxwasok t1_iwm6xxd wrote
i got introduced to that gem of a song because my college rugby teammate was from glasgow and would always end parties with that song
Devastator1981 t1_iwme9bk wrote
First direct rail connection to the city center. Adds another option so no taxi or Lyft or Shuttle required.
Devastator1981 t1_iwmegad wrote
Yea, I’ll take it. Good deal actually. (Can’t tell if you lovin the cost or if you are dismayed by it)
standrightwalkleft t1_iwmvryu wrote
I concur :)
_masterofdisaster t1_iwnkdcl wrote
that’s awesome, congrats to you guys
danib62 OP t1_iwo4c2x wrote
Inquisitive_idiot t1_iwr1shk wrote
toobscreemer0891 t1_iwt1b19 wrote
I live in DC and I’m asking the same question, friend.
SweetPieceOfSass t1_iwxxy4o wrote
***sniffles*** that'll be me one day. I love that for her :).
SweetPieceOfSass t1_iwxy7b9 wrote
Um $6-$7 one way is AMAZING vs a $55-$65 lyft or uber one way from my house (and that's before tip).
No-Tie5914 t1_ixlgsg6 wrote
Thats awesome:)
Zoroasker t1_iwia7s1 wrote
Great picture to capture the vibe. Where was everyone else going though? Isn’t that the end of the line? Just riding for fun?
Edit: 2 more stops after IAD. Oops