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shibby3388 t1_ixe22x1 wrote

Who cares?


drr71-2 t1_ixet1bd wrote

When business leave your area, you will.


shibby3388 t1_ixevfjb wrote

They’re not going anywhere.


drr71-2 t1_ixf0byt wrote

Oh.... stores don't close from excessive shoplifting? And if you think small mom & pop shops will fill the void, they're less capable of absorbing high levels of theft.


shibby3388 t1_ixfiqkb wrote

No one cares. We’re talking about an intersection with a CVS, Target, Marshalls, Old Navy, and Best Buy, with a 7-11 and Giant a block away that have all existed for well over a decade. Not to mention a revolving door of small restaurants and chains coming and going all within one of the most densely populated neighborhoods in the District of Columbia. Do you even live in the neighborhood? If you do, you clearly hate your less privileged neighbors trying to make a living.


drr71-2 t1_ixfwhfa wrote

You're still talking? You call what they're doing is making a living..... by stealing. Since stuff has been stolen from me as well as these stores, yeah.... I have an issue with how they're making a living by stealing. If they had come looking for work, I could have possibly helped them, but nope.... just steal the stuff I worked hard to pay for from my meager pay. If it's not a big deal to you, I'll come over and you can give me your bike and TV just as they were stolen from me.
