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AADV123 t1_iya3baj wrote

Those food trucks aren’t legally there. The NPS made a big deal of towing away some of their junk cars they use to keep the parking spots and issuing fines… for a day or two… and now it’s back to how it was.

Considering they get away with illegally operating on the Mall, I don’t want to know what their food standards or their fuel use is like. Walking by them is like inhaling a balloon of diesel.


Quelcris_Falconer13 t1_iya623p wrote

I think they are legally licensed by the DC government to sell there. But idk about food standards. My boyfriend and I had a blue berry boba from one and we were literally shitting blue for 24 hours after. So I avoid all edibles from a place that has wheels under it.


Kitchen_Software t1_iyafhw7 wrote

idk my edibles guy delivers some delicious fucking space brownies.

come to think of it I've never been cognizant enough to count the number of wheels on his Corolla.


AADV123 t1_iybuein wrote

The DC government doesn’t have jurisdiction there, it’s NPS jurisdiction. Sorry to hear about the boba 😫