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thud_mantooth t1_iv1m2yj wrote

I would bet $1000 that shitting shutting(!) down the beltway would cause a greater loss of life, via delays for emergency vehicles, than these guard rails will cause in the time it takes to inspect and replace them.


HockeyMusings t1_iv1ym1p wrote

Popping a squat on the beltway is a sure fire way to get smooshed. No doubt. 💩 🚘 ☠️


johnbrownbody t1_iv3cezw wrote

Thats true, a reasonable compromise is for emergency services to be able to use the highway while WMSC ensures that systems are safe for everyday usage, and commuters cannot use the service until that occurs.


thud_mantooth t1_iv3dlmg wrote

Shifting the entire commuting population into surface streets, with a significantly higher accidents/mile rate than the highway, is also not a good approach. It's kinda crazy to me how much people will ignore externalities because fuck the beltway or something.


johnbrownbody t1_iv3e8tq wrote

I think you're missing a joke about the amount of hoops that metro has to go through to get metro up and running while people can just kill each other on the highway and no one blinks an eye.


cptjeff t1_iv4fbh2 wrote

You just got whooshed. The joke is that that's how WMATA is forced to operate even when it objectively makes the overall transportation system less safe.