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Dare2no OP t1_iw77vi8 wrote

😲 geeze, I could have been totally f'd if I continued playing their game. Who would have thought it could be so easy to guess your social.


ScottyC33 t1_iw7brvs wrote

SSN was never designed to be used like it is now as a pseudo ID. We really need a national ID act with stronger inherent protections to replace the identity theft crises of a failure our current system enables.

But that gets one side complaining about government overreach (the government wants to control you!!) and the other side saying it will be used for voter suppression. So we will continue with this shit system…


HuntForFredOctober t1_iw82mrk wrote

In fact, originally it was specifically stated it was not to be used as an ID. No ref handy.

In the OP's case, it's easy to mess with a crew like this by giving made-up answers (or not continuing the conversation, of course). There's certainly/obviously no law or regulation requiring truthfull answers in bars.