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CaptainObvious110 t1_ixec2hm wrote

It would be nice if everyone would stop giving SissyGrace money altogether. They are enabling this continuous harassment of the public and it's a real shame this is being tolerated at all.

Notice the neighborhoods that have sightings, bet that mess wouldn't fly in Congress Heights or Anacostia.


celj1234 t1_ixeenns wrote

There would be a ass whooping and quick lesson learned if they pulled this shit


CaptainObvious110 t1_ixeqs16 wrote

Oh I'm sure of it. People like that know who to mess with and who to leave alone. I'm curious about how many black men SissyGrace has messed with in the past five years?


Midnight_Morning t1_ixes3tc wrote

That nutcase has enough self awareness to NOT come across the river or go anywhere near an X2 stop. People like that know who and who not to fuck around with.


distraughtdrunk t1_ixehg4p wrote

defo not. even in the more wealthy parts of EOTR (like benning ridge), that shiz would not fly.