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9throwawayDERP t1_ixdokjp wrote

uh, in ward 3 and Bethesda (where 90% of this bike ride was), car crashes are 5 times more likely to kill residents than homicides. i'm confused, there is pretty much nothing else that is dangerous in that part of town. cars are the only danger to pedestrians or residents.

as for infrastructure, a bit of paint and plastic bollards are nothing for a city that wastes millions or corruption.


Appropriate-Ad-4148 t1_ixe2d0a wrote

World class cities who have done “shining examples” of every fix you could be talking about don’t “grind to a halt.”


Mjt8 t1_ixg39d8 wrote

Lol, and you think it just takes a snap if the fingers to change the city into Barcelona?


Appropriate-Ad-4148 t1_ixgx985 wrote

I have seen a lot of plans and bid on road projects in DC with dedicated bike lanes.

Bike infrastructure isn't' expensive. The real issue is political and industry will.

From the top to the bottom, American planners, owners, architects, and contractors tend to be people who have never left the suburbs in their life.


Mjt8 t1_ixg43r5 wrote

Selective and misleading stat. A whopping three bicyclists were killed by cars in DC in 2021.

Also, the lady hit was in a bike lane. The whole issue here is that paint and plaster doesn’t fix the issue. You need well-engineered bike infrastructure like you see in Europe, but it would be exorbitantly expensive and disruptive to remake the city’s transportation landscape at this point.
