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ehtooh t1_ixesbak wrote

Because it’s not safe to do so. I don’t have a car and I won’t bike because I am terrified of being run over. But this is bigger than wanting bike lanes, this is about wanting our kids to be safe walking to school, and our friends safe biking from it. Why is that so hard to understand?


MrDickford t1_ixf4ax6 wrote

People sacrifice safety to save money all the time. But for many people, a bike doesn’t do everything they need it to. If you need to go long distances, leave the city, move a family, or carry a load, then you probably need a car, and a bike just becomes something you need to buy in addition to a car.

Very few people, especially on this forum, just don’t understand the importance of keeping pedestrians and bikers safe. But investing in public transportation seems like a much more effective solution. Prescribing bikes and more bike lanes as the blanket transportation solution for everybody makes it sound like you either don’t understand that not everybody’s needs mirror yours, or that you don’t care about those people.