LilInterweb t1_iy47w08 wrote
I got one have found it difficult to respect other people at large. I think it is because at least 50% of them are self interested GOP a holes that can’t seem to respect other people. Queer people, black people, poor people, immigrants, women. I thought were we all on the same page about the future and where we wanted to head and those not on that page where just not informed yet about these different groups humanity. But then these last few years have shown me that even with the knowledge of other people’s humanity, 50% of this country refuses to accept and validate our existence. I have lost respect for other people at large because even the 50% that are awake won’t necessarily go to bat for others. Like for example, Roe v Wade being over turned somehow got more women engaged and voting but Jesus, how were they not engaged before? Does something really have to effect them to see why empathy matters? Can’t people empathize with others even if the thing effecting the other person isn’t effecting themselves? The system is definitely broken
MintyLacroix OP t1_iy5fbot wrote
I've heard this sentiment a lot, and it is part of the problem. Both sides are the problem. We all need to respect each other, otherwise we are heading toward something very bad.
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