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wowihaveanopinion t1_ivskbu3 wrote

the leaves are meant to fall on the ground and be on the ground where they add nutrients to the soil. because nature.
you planning to enjoy your green grass this january?


Formergr t1_ivubapg wrote

> the leaves are meant to fall on the ground and be on the ground where they add nutrients to the soil.

Tough to do through the sidewalk or any hardscaping.


Gumburcules t1_ivtl896 wrote

Not a lot of lawns in nature though - you don't see lush fields of fescue in forests.

In reality the leaves will just kill their lawn. You need to run over them with a mulching mower if you want to add the nutrients to the soil and still have a lawn next spring.

That is, if they have/care about a lawn. If they just want to let whatever grows, grow then they can certainly just let the leaves sit.