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sloowhand t1_j23ggv3 wrote

Lucky Buns and Roaming Rooster are two completely different categories, imo. RR is the best fast food chicken sandwich you’re ever going to have. LB is not fast food and the price is way higher. This is an apples to oranges comparison.


FormerCollegeDJ t1_j24bd5m wrote


I haven't gone to either place for a while, but I remember Roaming Rooster's sandwich was about $10 while Lucky Buns' Hot Tiger Bun was about $13 or $14; there's a cost difference but they are in the same general category and Roaming Rooster is definitely NOT a fast food restaurant. RR is definitely closer in price to Lucky Buns and Hot Lola's than it is to Popeyes (was $4, now $4.50).


brock_h t1_j2773n4 wrote

Not sure when the last time it was you went but prices are $16+ at lucky buns and keep in mind it's table service so you're expected to be tipping (whereas RR you can just take out). It's way pricier.


FormerCollegeDJ t1_j279i1g wrote

I typically have done pickup at Lucky Buns. (My girlfriend lives about 3 blocks away.) I’d guess the last time I went there was probably late 2021 or early 2022.

Regardless of the cost difference, Roaming Rooster is NOT a fast food place. It is a fast casual restaurant.