Ask Dan Snyder why DC is the first host capitol city since 1974 (and the 2nd time ever) not to host a World Cup match!!
Submitted by efthfj t3_zs0k0a in washingtondc
Reply to comment by No1Statistician in Ask Dan Snyder why DC is the first host capitol city since 1974 (and the 2nd time ever) not to host a World Cup match!! by efthfj
You’re still paying for them
I'm aware PG County paid for that stadium which I still disagree with. I still agree they shouldn't have paid for Audi field or Nats Park either without public ownership .
Generally agree on stadiums (especially NFL stadiums which are used 8 times a year) being privately funded, but do you really regret Nats Park? It led to an entire neighborhood being completely revitalized. I feel like that’s the rare example of public investment in a stadium working out.
I don't think it's worth it. I see your point, but think of places like the warf and national harbor that are new and developed fine without stadiums, and also the owners can afford new stadiums and wont leave this huge market
The Wharf is literally next to Nats Park.
No it's not. Warf is Waterfront and Nats Park is Navy Yard. That's like saying Nats Park revitalized Captiol Hill.
The actual Navy Yard is the same distance from Nats Park as it is to the actual Wharf lol
Nats Park is about a mile from the Wharf. I personally would not want to walk that before or after a game in the sweaty summer.
The Wharf neighborhood is basically everything west of Nats Park once you cross South Capitol. It's the same distance to the ACTUAL Navy Yard as it is to the ACTUAL Wharf lol
The Wharf is easy to define because it’s the stuff that’s along an actual wharf. Audi Field is not in The Wharf. It’s in Southwest. The Wharf is a portion of Southwest. Not the whole thing
The Safeway is literally the SW Waterfront Safeway. Audi Field is essentially on the water. No one considers Navy Yard SE DC. It's the Navy Yard despite the Navy Yard being an actual location. Is Nats Park on the Navy base? No.
What are you on about? The Safeway isn’t the Wharf Safeway and no one would call it that. I lived in Navy Yard for 3 years, of course it’s in SE DC. That’s its address. Navy Yard is a term for a neighborhood and a naval yard. Is that confusing you?
No it's not confusing to me at all. Apparently you missed the part where you shop in Safeway and they call it the Waterfront Safeway lol
> completely revitalized.
You preferred the empty lots and boarded up liquor stores?
I'd prefer a southwest not destroyed by the government in the 60/70s by a round of "revitalization"
People lived there and instead of helping them they were just relocated and forced into a different community. Typical imperial european thing to do I guess.
Barely anyone lived there. It was a complete ghost town
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