pedalshift t1_j15mj5e wrote
Sick burn on Ottawa.
FormerCollegeDJ t1_j15mvd0 wrote
Hmm, nobody tell the people in Ottawa about that conversation.
dataminimizer t1_j15pibx wrote
Does Ottawa have Snyder connection, as well?
No1Statistician t1_j15wcgl wrote
I'd rather this happen than pay for a billionaire's stadium honestly
Heliordant t1_j15z76b wrote
That's the thing where they flop around on the grass and cozy up to autocrats, right?
Goby18 t1_j15zgi6 wrote
Capital city. Capitol is the building.
ppc2500 t1_j15zrn3 wrote
Someone correct me but I thought FedEx wasn't in the bid. It was Baltimore (Ravens stadium).
ladyorthetiger0 t1_j161e9l wrote
No we don't need all that extra riffraff.
SixersWin t1_j1630he wrote
My favorite description of FIFA (not mine) is that they are a criminal organization that sometimes organizes sporting events
ExtentConscious t1_j163g4z wrote
The first mistake is having a country that does not care about soccer host the World Cup a second fucking time.
Eagleburgerite t1_j164eag wrote
ZonaPunk t1_j164ry2 wrote
correct, but they knew Fedex Field would not make the grade so it wasn't considered
uknownick t1_j165h6v wrote
Big embarrassment
OctoberCaddis t1_j167g95 wrote
We could also blame Charles fucking Allen for obstructing productive redevelopment of RFK. I don’t care at all about the Commies but DC should have a full size stadium for large events. Yes, I’m talking about Taylor Swift.
johnbrownbody t1_j167og2 wrote
No it's not because of that
buxtonOJ t1_j167s2o wrote
You’re still paying for them
johnbrownbody t1_j167tro wrote
Building a giant new stadium in DC proper with taxpayer money is a waste of it.
Allen is the pinata for everything, huh? FedEx field being shitty is probably his fault in your warped, singular mind. Try having more complex thoughts
efthfj OP t1_j168d32 wrote
Nope. They dropped when they saw the writing on the wall…
[deleted] t1_j168q0u wrote
stache_twista t1_j1690cc wrote
- Snyder didn’t move the team to Landover or build FedEx Field 2. Most DC residents including me don’t want to subsidize his new stadium 3. The new stadium is better off in VA because that’s where most of the football team’s fans are anyway 4. FIFA is corrupt and where the World Cup is doesn’t really matter 5. Philly is a 2 hr train ride from Union Station and probably more fun to visit than FedEx Field
CandidPiglet9061 t1_j16a611 wrote
You said it. If I see one more goddamn Dutchman I’ll loose it!
Mareofthedmv t1_j16a8eo wrote
One in three Americans watch football as of April 2022, so I don’t know what you mean about not caring about it. I believe it with the crowds at football pubs on a Saturday morning - even when I lived at the west coast a big derby would draw a crowd at 4:30 am.
No1Statistician t1_j16afcz wrote
I'm aware PG County paid for that stadium which I still disagree with. I still agree they shouldn't have paid for Audi field or Nats Park either without public ownership .
Psychological-Emu287 t1_j16dd7s wrote
Can you believe a POS city like Kansas City is hosting the WC? I guess is Afghanistan, Sudan, Lebanon, and the Philippines qualify they won’t be able to differentiate their countries from a conservative cesspool like Kansas City. I’m embarrassed that they are representing this country. Let’s hope the elite kids of England, France, don’t find themselves in that dump. God, I can’t stop thinking of all their overweight populace and their people with no dental care and poor taste in fashion. I want to vomit.
dkfivndmwocjnz t1_j16dulp wrote
This has got to be a bit right? I’m biting on bait? KC has a massive soccer scene from MLS to youth development.
Psychological-Emu287 t1_j16e25r wrote
I know they are a big soccer town but the city is garbage? That’s the point
MattXT t1_j16erst wrote
I’m highly offended by orange.
TheOvy t1_j16i6zd wrote
There's actually 900k 100k more people in the DC metro area than the Philly metro. It's sad to see us come up short in ways where we should otherwise be competitive.
edit: misread the wiki, accidentally compared Philly's urban population vs. DC's metro area population. DC metro is still more populous, but by a much smaller number! Thanks to u/lame_grapefruit for the correction.
nsoudulu1234 t1_j16kdsm wrote
I’ve never understood why they’re spelled differently.
dynospectrum7 t1_j16ktoa wrote
Columbus, Denver, or Charlotte would have been much better choices.
firewarner t1_j16ll61 wrote
They mean different things, like which and witch
Nilay431 t1_j16mqni wrote
Seriously though why are we calling north jersey, New York? Meadowlands is not located in New York.
BoysenberryNo4959 t1_j16n8kl wrote
The last thing this area needs is wall-to-wall month long game day/post madness and years long madness building up to the WC. And I say this as a huge WC fan. I’d rather watch from the comfort of my living room.
SkyeMreddit t1_j16pyjy wrote
Soccer is ever increasingly popular, especially because of the Women’s World Cup wins and the growing Hispanic/Latino population
efthfj OP t1_j16rtxc wrote
We're talking not even ONE match!
[deleted] t1_j16rwf8 wrote
lame_grapefruit t1_j16s0px wrote
That’s just not true? It seems like the difference is about 100k
Source: Wikipedia
frameddummy t1_j16t1kc wrote
The USA is the best country in the world to host the world cup. The wealthiest, the largest population, all the infrastructure already exists. Way more large cities than you need venues.
ahaaracer t1_j16tvha wrote
You can get to the Linc via heavy transit much faster than getting to FedEx or M&T via transit.
From DC you can get to the stadium without a car from Amtrak to the MFL @ 30st Street then to the BSL right to the Linc.
TheOvy t1_j16tyl0 wrote
I stand corrected. Where the DC Metropolitan Area wiki page lists the metro population first, the Philly Metropolitan Area wiki page lists urban population first, which is a smaller number. My mistake!
Full rankings can be found here:
Still, DC area population is ranked 6th, Philly is 7th.
[deleted] t1_j16ulqq wrote
Omar_Town t1_j16unou wrote
Oh just like bear and bear, right?
Isaelia t1_j16v8l7 wrote
Not exactly an analogous situation. Those are two totally separate words with unrelated etymologies that happen to be homophones in today's English. Capitol and capital are homophones with similar definitions because they have the exact same root, so it bears asking why they both exist. The word made its way into English as capital. Capitol is the name of a particular place because the Founders decided to get fancy and try to evoke the Capitoline Hill.
tmack99 t1_j16vsr5 wrote
Generally agree on stadiums (especially NFL stadiums which are used 8 times a year) being privately funded, but do you really regret Nats Park? It led to an entire neighborhood being completely revitalized. I feel like that’s the rare example of public investment in a stadium working out.
andrewmandrew23 t1_j16w9i7 wrote
Well articulated @isaelia
No1Statistician t1_j16z0ab wrote
I don't think it's worth it. I see your point, but think of places like the warf and national harbor that are new and developed fine without stadiums, and also the owners can afford new stadiums and wont leave this huge market
Ike348 t1_j16zh4t wrote
> capitol city
88leo t1_j170bi1 wrote
> completely revitalized.
MaxiqueBDE t1_j1710h3 wrote
It was because the Commanders stadium had some issues, if I recall correctly
the5nowman t1_j171j0e wrote
We have no stadium there that’s even close to capable of hosting.
FSOTFitzgerald t1_j173w0g wrote
What about Chicago?
PikachuThug t1_j1745av wrote
Fedex isn’t in DC
[deleted] t1_j1753af wrote
Cantonloupe t1_j179b3p wrote
>Can you believe a POS city like Kansas City is hosting the WC?
Kansas City wouldn't be my top choice of places to live, but it certainly isn't nearly as terrible as you seem to think it is and will be a convenient central location for soccer fans across a large swath of the country.
>Kansas City is a conservative cesspool
Biden handily won both Kansas City counties (Jackson, MO and Wyandotte, KS), not to mention suburban Johnson County and the nearby college towns in Douglas and Riley counties.
>Their poor taste in fashion
When I went to Kansas City I did see a remarkable number of people wearing sports jerseys, but this doesn't seem like a huge problem for a sporting event...
tmack99 t1_j179yra wrote
You preferred the empty lots and boarded up liquor stores?
vagrant_feet t1_j17a119 wrote
Kansas City is a host city, but not DC. Lol I understand that they have a stronger MLS team but cmon, which international team wants to play matches in Kansas City? Which country’s fans wanna travel there?
IvyGold t1_j17ac5y wrote
Other maps are calling it NY/NJ.
spaceheatr t1_j17ec6z wrote
Honestly it’s just sad to not have a world class venue in DC in general.
What do we have now? Nats park? Anthem? Capitol One Arena? FedEx?
I'm not particularly stoked on any of those venues.
tirkman t1_j17ex5i wrote
Honest question, why was FedEx field not considered for real? I know Dan Snyder sucks but fed ex field is one of the biggest stadiums in terms of seating
efthfj OP t1_j17fo3o wrote
Two high profile accidents where a faulty railing caused fan injuries and faulty plumbing dowsed fans with what may have been raw sewage couldn’t have helped.
turtyurt t1_j17fwo4 wrote
It’s capital, not capitol.
Ottawa is the capital of Canada and they aren’t hosting either.
jeffderek t1_j17jlng wrote
Wolf Trap IMO is a world class venue, but it's kind of niche.
Lolipsy t1_j17n6rp wrote
Probably because Meadowlands is the home field for New York’s football and soccer teams, and New Jersey doesn’t have enough strength in its own sports to counter that (the best we have is Gotham, which we share with New York). As someone who’s from NJ, I’ll die mad about it.
14thU t1_j17p10l wrote
As someone who was at the last World Cup in DC this is a shame for a great city to miss out on.
A redeveloped RFK could be a positive addition for the capital city.
fzvw t1_j17pvwm wrote
Seems uncalled for
[deleted] t1_j17vcja wrote
damnatio_memoriae t1_j17vesx wrote
who cares. take the train up to philly.
Wonderful-Speaker-32 t1_j17xcef wrote
It's the same reason we call IAD and DCA Washington-Dulles and Washington-National, even though they're not in the district. Metlife serves NYC, so you can call it an NYC stadium. It's only a 14 minute drive from Manhattan anyways.
Wonderful-Speaker-32 t1_j17xhsa wrote
If you compare the DC-Baltimore CSA to the Philly-Wilmington CSA, then we're larger by more than 2.5million. And honestly comparing CSAs is probably the move, because all 9.9 million of us were snuffed out of a stadium, not just the DC-area ones.
But honestly, I'd be even madder if I was in Chicago. 4th largest CSA and 3rd largest MSA, and there isn't even a good option nearby.
medievalmachine t1_j1826os wrote
You can’t play soccer in a hockey arena? I think people do this.
medievalmachine t1_j182ipf wrote
Well it matches Parliament, which is not a real word either.
TheElusiveGnome t1_j186f90 wrote
It's true I did it last week and won the World Cup.
medievalmachine t1_j187yws wrote
We will have a parade in your honor in Argentina.
solidrecommendations t1_j188sfz wrote
Tell me of these real words
DUNGAROO t1_j1890ra wrote
For the same reason that the Redskins/WFT/Commanders are still known as Washington DC’s NFL team, despite the fact that the redskins haven’t played a single game within the city limits for over 25 years.
brekky_sandy t1_j18eet3 wrote
Oh there are a lot of them, and they're completely cromulent!
GovernorOfReddit t1_j18ettk wrote
Why not host it in College Park? I'm sure SECU Stadium could be changed up into a football pitch with a little bit of work and the Purple Line should be finished by 2026 connecting Metro with the stadium.
jrandomuser123 t1_j18eu8j wrote
Why not RFK
imaque t1_j18eu92 wrote
I need to embiggen my lexicon
solidrecommendations t1_j18ey7f wrote
Me fail English? Unpossible!
question_sunshine t1_j18fct4 wrote
All words are made up.
perfruit_mix t1_j18gfw8 wrote
spkr4thedead51 t1_j18irq6 wrote
It won't exist anymore in 2026
bottletothehead t1_j18lz7z wrote
Of the top of my head, 6 of the American cities on this map would need to be renamed because the stadiums are outside of the city limits
braaaaaaaaaaaah t1_j18mn0l wrote
DC doesn't either.
__mud__ t1_j18plh3 wrote
(angry Buffalo Bills fan noises)
9throwawayDERP t1_j18rcn6 wrote
soldier field is too small?
9throwawayDERP t1_j18rio2 wrote
the US team need home field advantage somewhere. they aint getting that on either coast.
stache_twista t1_j18t98x wrote
And will be 102 years old in 2026
9throwawayDERP t1_j18tvak wrote
but was rebuilt 20 years ago. not a fan of the remodel, but it is still in way better shape than fedex
DefinitelyAFakeName t1_j18tvl8 wrote
God no thank you. It's the same as the Olympics, no city EVER makes its money back from that. All well get is a couple more stadiums left to decay for a few decades before they get torn down
joofish t1_j18u9sr wrote
I think Chicago didn’t bid
stache_twista t1_j18uccx wrote
I'm from Chicago. Soldier Field is decent but even with the remodel (which was botched and now 20 years old) it's not a venue fit for the World Cup. There are probably 25 nicer stadiums in the NFL
stache_twista t1_j18uxhw wrote
DC isn't a sports town (compared to Boston, Philly, Chicago, Cleveland, etc. it's not I'm sorry). But we do have world-class public spaces and museums. I hope they turn RFK into another park with event space (like Wolf Trap).
9throwawayDERP t1_j18v225 wrote
so i guess i'm a bit older than you, but i remember the old soldier field hosting the word cup 30 years ago. it was great.
stache_twista t1_j18vddj wrote
It's an iconic venue for sure but they ruined it with the remodel. Now it looks like there's a spaceship parked on top and the Bears are likely going to be playing in a new stadium in the suburbs by 2030.
AsbestosIn0bstetrics t1_j18w7sj wrote
True, but they were also trying to prevent an international soccer star from being murdered by a squeegee boy.
shlem t1_j18wrlq wrote
I'd prefer a southwest not destroyed by the government in the 60/70s by a round of "revitalization"
AsbestosIn0bstetrics t1_j18x9vb wrote
Then maybe try to get Taylor Swift to pay for a new stadium. She sure as fuck could afford it. Call it Taylor Swift Field at RFK Stadium. Invite the Commanders back on the condition that they're renamed the Washington Taylorswifts.
AsbestosIn0bstetrics t1_j18xfei wrote
Guess we know who on reddit knows what Charles Allen's dick tastes like!
[deleted] t1_j18y636 wrote
johnbrownbody t1_j18yq7v wrote
It is not unsurprising that people singularly obsessed with Charles Allen also think a lot about his penis.
romulusjsp t1_j18yq8l wrote
The US Soccer Federation has made a sort of second home in KC, there’s a new training facility there for the national teams and Arrowhead (I’m told) is a good venue for soccer in addition to their soccer-specific stadium
johnbrownbody t1_j18yrr9 wrote
Not really, these people are legitimately sick or obsessed. It's sad.
Backdoorpickle t1_j18zauq wrote
The Wharf is literally next to Nats Park.
cfbguy t1_j18znq1 wrote
Pro soccer doesn’t play at Meadowlands, the Red Bulls are at RBA in Harrison
skaterrj t1_j1907wo wrote
Remember when there was an effort to put together a DC/Baltimore bid for the Olympics? I think everyone's response was, "Oh no, the traffic!"
No1Statistician t1_j1920m8 wrote
No it's not. Warf is Waterfront and Nats Park is Navy Yard. That's like saying Nats Park revitalized Captiol Hill.
KBizzyGetnBusy t1_j1934od wrote
That’s cap (ital).
TrueVCU t1_j19cb7l wrote
Because we don't want to deal with even MORE tourist nonsense?
TrueVCU t1_j19core wrote
Nilay431 t1_j19cxfq wrote
I am going to borrow this!
greenthanks75 t1_j19etpx wrote
I think the final bid was “DC/Baltimore” and some events would have been held in DC with all of the matches being played in the Ravens stadium. I think part of the bid was increased transit between DC and Baltimore for the duration of the Cup.
greenthanks75 t1_j19f48v wrote
Nats Park is about a mile from the Wharf. I personally would not want to walk that before or after a game in the sweaty summer.
greenthanks75 t1_j19ff0e wrote
First thing I thought looking at this was the huge swath of inland North America that was getting excluded from this World Cup other than Kansas City. Throw a bone to Denver or Chicago or Minneapolis or something.
greenthanks75 t1_j19fmwv wrote
This Cup is being played in existing stadiums. All of the USA stadiums chosen are current NFL stadiums
greenthanks75 t1_j19fxaq wrote
Excluding Kansas City would have been a middle finger to the entire middle part of the country. If you remove KC from this map there is an enormous swath of the continent that would have been left out of hosting.
greenthanks75 t1_j19g72q wrote
What makes a sports town? DC was fanatical about the Nats and Caps when they won titles.
VoodooGirl47 t1_j19gm0t wrote
Yeah, most people assume Toronto is the Capital.
DfcukinLite t1_j19jo2k wrote
As long as they don’t attack them first with a bat they’d be fine. Thousands of other are. And that was well after. Not to worry tho, they could just be murder waiting for metro or in Columbia Heights
[deleted] t1_j19l4mw wrote
lpycb42 t1_j19lbkw wrote
Oh God it’s bad enough as it is, I can’t imagine the nightmare.
stache_twista t1_j19nqvh wrote
The Browns were selling out games when they were 0-16. DC is too corporate/transplant/transient to support bad teams like that. I don't even know if there's a sports bar in my neighborhood.
AinDiab t1_j19yb0d wrote
How many hockey stadiums have at minimum a 40,000 person capacity?
Redditman9909 t1_j1a0wvm wrote
By global standards Ottawa is a pretty small capital city. Metro area has barely over 1.5 million people. As such it lacks a lot of venues you’d find in other national capital cities. Hell they’ve been fighting for years just to get a decent downtown hockey arena for their NHL team. Not to mention the lacklustre transit system.
Also it’s not exactly a diehard sports city. I can’t even imagine what they’d use a FIFA stadium for once the World Cup is over. I guess you could move the Redblacks there and watch them struggle to fill the place at even half capacity.
Kervels t1_j1a149c wrote
Maybe the two words 'have the same root, but it is still just coincidence for them to end up so similar, and hence confusing to to people.
The word capital obviously stems from the Latin word for head (or chief), which makes perfect sense. The Capitoline Hill in Rome was however named long before the site had anything to do with being a capital. One myth says that it got its name from a human skull found in the ground when building a temple. But in the end the hill could have been named after a finger or a leg or whatever, which would have been so much easier for Americans.
owlplate t1_j1ab1y8 wrote
Dc was a sports town through the 90s. All we needed to see was the rg3 blip years to know it’s just lying dormant.
IWasBornInThisPit t1_j1abdir wrote
CapitalOne Arena works too
the5nowman t1_j1agthj wrote
FedEx and M&T or w/e Baltimore’s is called.
SandBoxJohn t1_j1bc5qw wrote
It should be noted that when Jack Kent Cooke decided to build a new stadium for his NFL teem, he made it clear that it could be used to host the Olympics or the World Cup.
Backdoorpickle t1_j1bnnwq wrote
The Wharf neighborhood is basically everything west of Nats Park once you cross South Capitol. It's the same distance to the ACTUAL Navy Yard as it is to the ACTUAL Wharf lol
Backdoorpickle t1_j1bnqzj wrote
The actual Navy Yard is the same distance from Nats Park as it is to the actual Wharf lol
greenthanks75 t1_j1bs3la wrote
The Wharf is easy to define because it’s the stuff that’s along an actual wharf. Audi Field is not in The Wharf. It’s in Southwest. The Wharf is a portion of Southwest. Not the whole thing
Backdoorpickle t1_j1bshiz wrote
The Safeway is literally the SW Waterfront Safeway. Audi Field is essentially on the water. No one considers Navy Yard SE DC. It's the Navy Yard despite the Navy Yard being an actual location. Is Nats Park on the Navy base? No.
greenthanks75 t1_j1bszuv wrote
What are you on about? The Safeway isn’t the Wharf Safeway and no one would call it that. I lived in Navy Yard for 3 years, of course it’s in SE DC. That’s its address. Navy Yard is a term for a neighborhood and a naval yard. Is that confusing you?
Backdoorpickle t1_j1bt4i7 wrote
No it's not confusing to me at all. Apparently you missed the part where you shop in Safeway and they call it the Waterfront Safeway lol
pizzajona t1_j1cbyzw wrote
part of the reason is that it’s much easier for international fans if the game is on one of the coasts. That being said, they couldn’t leave all of middle America out so they chose Kansas City which is close to the geographically center of the contiguous US
greenthanks75 t1_j1d1eau wrote
The other US sites have significant international flight activity. On that note, Chicago, Denver, or Minneapolis would’ve made much more sense than Kansas City. Nearly every traveler will have to fly to somewhere else in the US first before getting to KC.
88leo t1_j1dr86u wrote
People lived there and instead of helping them they were just relocated and forced into a different community. Typical imperial european thing to do I guess.
tmack99 t1_j1hln7m wrote
Barely anyone lived there. It was a complete ghost town
CaptainObvious110 t1_j1ijfy0 wrote
What will be there instead?
efthfj OP t1_j15lrg6 wrote
Was it the embarrassing state of FedEx field or the embarrassing state of Dan Snyder!!??