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TheDeHymenizer t1_j1vdvcj wrote

Down doots here we come.

The problem is a large percentage of people can drive perfectly fine drunk. What ruins it is probably 10%-20% of the population who get their BAC up to .1 or above and think they are now living in imagination land and drive like maniacs. This in turn ruins it for everyone when a far more reasonable BAC for driving for most people is probably closer to .25.

Don't drink and drive even if your in that 80%-90% I spoke about because you can get pulled over for all kinds of reasons outside of your driving and have your life completely ruined.

edit: and no I did not I was with family for Christmas and we mostly eat huge amounts of food with no one really drinking more then a glass of wine or two tops.


dataminimizer OP t1_j1vf8v1 wrote

If you think you can “drive perfectly fine drunk”, you are mistaken.


TheDeHymenizer t1_j1visxs wrote

>If you think you can “drive perfectly fine drunk”, you are mistaken.

how insightful reddit stranger!

Nah I just don't get swept up in emotion when it comes to policy and am very well aware of myself and several others are when they drive. Like I said I know plenty of people who after a few drinks have no business being behind the wheel of a car. But I know plenty who drive just fine.

Moral busy bodies push stricter and stricter laws despite diminishing returns in results for nothing more then pats on the back and likes on social media.


dataminimizer OP t1_j1vktpw wrote

Mate, it’s dangerous to operate a 2-6 ton speeding metal box when you’re impaired, whether you think you’re impaired or not.


TheDeHymenizer t1_j1vl77s wrote

Its dangerous to operate a 2-6 ton speeding metal box either way.

DD laws have turned into a racket. Its far more about a "gotcha" for some guy with a tail light out then anything else.

But hhheeeyyy anything that gets more minorities into Felon status is generally hard to undo.


dataminimizer OP t1_j1vn0sj wrote

100% agree we should stop organizing our communities around cars. Our cities should be easily walkable and bikeable and transit should be clean, safe, reliable, and regular. As you say, it’s as much a racial justice issue as anything else. Minorities would not be harassed by police and pulled over for pretextual reasons if they weren’t in their vehicles, where Fourth Amendment protections have been seriously eroded.

That said, “Every day, 32 people in the United States die in drunk driving car crashes. That’s one person every 45 minutes”. Drunk driving is worse than sober driving and you shouldn’t ever do it.


TheDeHymenizer t1_j1vno8v wrote

>100% agree we should stop organizing our communities around cars. Our cities should be easily walkable and bikeable and transit should be clean, safe, reliable, and regular. As you say, it’s as much a racial justice issue as anything else. Minorities would not be harassed by police and pulled over for pretextual reasons if they weren’t in their vehicles, where Fourth Amendment protections have been seriously eroded.
>That said, “Every day, 32 people in the United States die in drunk driving car crashes. That’s one person every 45 minutes”. Drunk driving is worse than sober driving and you shouldn’t ever do it.

oh my god?!?! Every day?!?!? 32 people?!?! In a Nation of a mere 360 million?!?! Where I do sign up for the picket line comrade?!?!? that's nearly .0000001%!!!!

Yah waiving a magic wand and completely redeveloping every major city would be a great solution. Another solution would be to roll back DD laws so if you're pulled over with a BAC above the .08 but there is no obvious sign within your driving its not automatically a DUI.

But again, rolling back the laws so they become sensible won't result in pats on the back or updoots so its very unlikely to happen. Its also very unlikely an entire nation completely redevelops itself. So I guess we just stay with the status quo and tell each other just how much we heckin hate how it plays out this way but guess there's just nothing that can be done.

edit: lmao the number of total daily auto accidents in the USA is 102. Minus the 32 from DD and that's 70 sober deaths a day. Looks like DDing might actually nnooottt be more dangerous then sober driving.


dataminimizer OP t1_j1vo6mo wrote

If you think 32 people killed a day is no big deal, I wonder if you’d think differently if you had to tell each one’s family that they had been killed, but that it’s okay, since it’s like 0.000001% of the US population.

These are preventable deaths. Please stop drinking and driving. You’re going to hurt or kill someone eventually.


TheDeHymenizer t1_j1vs1hi wrote

>f you think 32 people killed a day is no big deal, I wonder if you’d think differently if you had to tell each one’s family that they had been killed

aaannnddd immediately into "well I'm holier then thou use your emotions not your head! These minorities are being put onto felony status for good reason! Just redevelop every city from bottom up much easier then changing a law!"

Thanks but as stated above, I don't support policy on emotion.

>These are preventable deaths. Please stop drinking and driving. You’re going to hurt or kill someone eventually.

Are they now? When 2x's the number of people die in sober accidents every day? Hell you as an indivdual. If I told you you were going to die in an auto accident in the next 7 days you have a 33% chance of that accident involving a drunk driver and a 66% chance all parties involved are sober.

These aren't "preventable deaths". Smoking deaths are preventable when your looking at 1/600 people dying from them. When talking about 1/100000 people dying that's a rounding error.


missjennielang t1_j1w3zxe wrote

Any research to back this up?


TheDeHymenizer t1_j1w6c2h wrote

1/10th of a second change on average at .08 (please remeber "on average" means literally 50% of people aren't even effected that much). While its fun to say things "1/10th of a second could save lives!" in reality per my other posts there's a reason 66% of car accidents involve all parties being sober.

>Studies dating back to the 1960s have demonstrated the correlation between BAC and accident risk. The relative risk of being in a crash is 1.38 times higher at a BAC of 0.05 than at a BAC of 0.00. At 0.08, the risk is 2.69 times higher. At 0.10, the crash risk climbs to five times higher.

2.69 times are .08, 5 times at .1,collision%20once%20every%2017.9%20years.

every 1000 miles you drive you have a 1 in 366 chance on being in an accident. Meaning on any given drive your odds of being in an accident are virtually 0%. So that 2.69 times or 5 times is nearly meaningless.

While all these articles have flowery language around what a heckin great job we've done with drinking and driving and what a heckin big deal 1/10th of a second is I'd still contend that the punishment for DD is way to high for the result of the majority of cases and we'd be far better off (and see less disparate enforcement especially in minority communities) if we added a law something along the lines of "DUI is for someone over .08 and showing visible signs of their driving being effected otherwise if they're over .08 and were pulled over something not related to their visible driving (think a tail light out) then its a sizeable fine".

While I know plenty of people have lost people to drinking and driving plenty of people have lost loved ones to auto accidents in general and making an army of new felons because some people can't hold their liquor won't bring anyone back.


missjennielang t1_j1w907o wrote

The research doesn’t back you up like you think it does


TheDeHymenizer t1_j1w9b0b wrote

>The research doesn’t back you up like you think it does

Well when opinion pieces are shoved into the results of a study its hard to convince redditors otherwise.

So we need even stricter DUI penalties from your reading of it then?

Edit: a quick look at your recent post history shows you seem to at some level be in favor of social justice. So seeing how DUIs mint more felons then almost any other outlet how do you rectify the fact that the vast majority of instances of drinking and driving is a victimless crime but meanwhile countless of minorities are felons today because they had 1-2 more drinks then they should of and are now essentially un-hireable?


missjennielang t1_j1wesuw wrote

No I think your opinion that 90% of people can safely drive drunk is asinine at best.


TheDeHymenizer t1_j1xf8ai wrote

Well then let me go ahead and tighten up my thesis for yah before you down vote with tears of rage in your eyes someone dares go agaisnt the grain.

Most people, likely around 8 to 9 out of 10, can easily drive at a BAC of .08-.15 without increasing their odds of being in a wreck more so then if everyone driving were to be sober. As things stand now the vast majority of DUIs are used as a checkbox for the police so they can turn a minor traffic violation into a near felony charge (or an actual felony if its a repeat offender). Of course there is a BAC where everyone is unable to drive but we are currently ridiculously far from that.


missjennielang t1_j1xibun wrote

Denying a plethora of research and statistics is not going against the grain, it’s you being a selfish person who proudly drives drunk.


TheDeHymenizer t1_j1zj2hh wrote

>Denying a plethora of research and statistics is not going against the grain, it’s you being a selfish person who proudly drives drunk.

lmao I don't drive. Period. I take my bike or public transit every where I go.

I just linked you the research and its findings. You can't see past the opinion writings of the reporters who are reporting it and are confusing that with the actual research.

But yeah enjoy making armies of minorities into felons who these laws disproportionately effect you hypocrite.


adamfrom1980s t1_j1ymvi2 wrote

Ahhh, so this is what alcoholism looks like.


TheDeHymenizer t1_j1zjobz wrote

I quite literally don't drink and I quite literally don't drive lol


adamfrom1980s t1_j1zm32z wrote

And I’m a secret agent astronaut millionaire.


TheDeHymenizer t1_j1zoxmi wrote

No worries man I too have a closed mind when confronted with ideas conflicting with my own beliefs and decide to discount the person not the ideas.

Best of luck to yah major tom.

edit: hahaha last word post followed by block. Truly Reddit IQ bud


adamfrom1980s t1_j215rv8 wrote

Cool story guy. Blocking you so you stop wasting my time.