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Drire t1_j1gfjuj wrote

Pretty far out on the silver line but if you're willing to put in the time Tysons Galleria has a pretty dope bathroom experience on either the second or third floor, above the Sweetgreen


i_wanna_b_the_guy OP t1_j1gtn2s wrote

I get by Tyson’s occasionally, will hit up sweet green next time I’m there


Drire t1_j1gttcn wrote

Do it. I used to get a harvest bowl with spicy brocc added and rice swapped for quinoa. Pretty fun combo and takes to additional hot sauce well


Drire t1_j1j6h71 wrote

How the hell did this turn into the highest votes suggestion? 😂


JDTalk t1_j1ir9v2 wrote

So you live in Maryland by time you get to Tyson's galleria you don't dumped all on yourself.

What a shitty question


Drire t1_j1j6ewh wrote

I used to work in Tyson and haven't always lived in Rockville 👉😎👉


JDTalk t1_j1j81oa wrote

I was really making a joke out of it not something per se about you. If I'm out and about in downtown silver spring and I have to use the bathroom I'm not going to travel to Tyson's galleria. Just poking fun