If I remember right, 13-16 is the most popular age for kids to rebel and disappear from home for a few days. So the majority of these cases solve themselves when the kid decides to eventually come home.
Assuming you're looking at missingkids.org, consider this:
Searching missing kids across the U.S. since December 15, there is a total number of 106. 76 of those are in Virginia. I suspect that Virginia has been lax in reporting these cases resolved. Maybe the person responsible for overseeing this particular action for Virginia is on vacation for the holidays. Especially given that over the same period, Maryland has 1, DC has 0, Delaware and Pennsylvania have 0.
Anything "deeper" would show up in those other nearby states.
This is why I had to stop notifications for the DC Police Twitter. Parents use 911 as a damn babysitter. Lol. Kids go missing and turn up 2-3 hours later. It’s sad but I don’t even pay attention anymore. I assume it’s the same you’re seeing in VA. Maybe they just don’t report back one the child is located?
Lived in VA and had so many kids I knew growing up would be “missing” but it’s because they didn’t tell their parents where they were going and ended up getting a report filed
pomegranatecloud t1_j1td9jh wrote
Are you a card carrying member of Pizzagate and QAnon? I hear the flat earthers are also accepting new members.