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djdmed90 OP t1_izogzv7 wrote

Oh god, I wish. I loathe driving and try to use public transit as much as possible, but still need my car periodically.


Blightking t1_izoi55v wrote

if you were going to dupont there's definitely public transport lol. eat the ticket, don't take your deathtrap next time


djdmed90 OP t1_izoin6i wrote

Wow, I was agreeing with you and instead you attack me? Fuck you, dickhead.


GaijinYankee t1_izorl74 wrote

Come on man, I'm the biggest Metro fan on here, but it's common sense that public transit is not the solution for every trip and every person. And "deathtrap"? Seriously?


kirkl3s t1_izp4x6h wrote

Hey bro nice work you totally converted someone to your way of thinking by being a dickhead!


CUM-OMELETTE t1_izpnd6g wrote

Hopping on the train to let you know you should fuck yourself