Submitted by djdmed90 t3_zhtrba in washingtondc
Submitted by djdmed90 t3_zhtrba in washingtondc
Annoying for sure, sorry OP. Do you have pics of the spot/car/signage? If you’ve got that and the e-receipt for the park mobile payment, IME getting it dismissed should be a piece of cake…or have I just been strangely fortunate thus far?
*Dupont not DuPont
Not OP, but my iPhone autocorrect does the same thing to Dupont.
Cool story
Yeah just go to the dc parking enforcement website. ParkMobile will have the zone and time you paid for parking. I think you just upload the receipt and an explanation. As long as the information on the citation match the parking receipt it should get dismissed easily and all online
Hopefully you’re not like me and didn’t put in the wrong zone
Edit: damn there were hella typos
Yeah the autocorrect drives me crazy with this.
I recently had a 311 request that actually resulted in them ticketing the person I called for, which was honestly shocking as in the past they've just closed the ticket with no explanation.
Last summer I got a ticket for parking in zone 1 - stuck right on top of our zone 1 sticker. Dispute & move on.
I feel like if there were ever some sort of welcome packet for whenever people move into DC, updating your phone's autocorrect would be in the top 5 tips.
DC parking enforcement is not the police.
Dupont, not DuPont.
Not true. I had the same issue and I went to contest the ticket multiple times and it wasn’t registered in their system yet, every time I checked. I’m with OP.
Right but in this case it sounds like OP dealt explicitly with parking enforcement so I’m not sure where you’re going with this.
I once put the wrong zone because I parked kind of in between two park mobile zones, and just typed in the number on the first sign I saw. Of course it was the wrong one, but DC still waived the ticket since I proved that I paid for the time and that the signs were a bit confusing.
So you prove you paid and on your life goes.
Well then it will eventually correct all the city bureaucrats and we should just switch now. DuPont.
Better living through chemistry!
I’m still very confused as to where MPD is involved here in any fashion.
What? 😂😂😂 I’m an apologist for simply telling you that parking enforcement and MPD are different entities?? Have a good day my man, sounds like you’ll need it.
Please touch some grass today, I’m begging you.
Yea they are predatory and ironically the only consistent police force in dc...its a metaphor
I've also had good luck contesting tickets. Usually they dismiss solely based on the explanation and uploaded evidence, in my experience.
In Settings, create a text replacement. Use “Dupont” for the phrase and “DuPont” as the shortcut.
If you have a Mac, I believe any spellings you tell it to learn do sync to iOS, but there’s no interface for it that I know of on the phone.
I’ve requested to contest several parking tickets (all paid by ParkMobile). You don’t need a hearing. There’s an email option and you fill it out all online and then they put the ticket on hold while reviewing it. I’ve done this several times but have yet to actually hear one way or the other about any of the tickets. It’s always when I’ve paid via ParkMobile. As far as I can tell, they either don’t check or they give tickets and hope that you won’t contest them.
Autocorrect does this all the time.
Autocorrect does this all the time.
It really is quite arbitrary, since it’s named for the same Du Pont as DuPont. We should change it back and stop picking on this, as much as it makes me cringe for no good reason.
Yep, that’s what I just described.
I've seen it frequently when the post is a complaint about anything related to DC government malfunctioning, I wonder if they simply feel personally attacked or what.
Have you considered not driving?
I mean the DC government has always had plenty of problems… just in denial I guess
7 of the 9 parking tickets I've been issued in DC have been wrong. I've been towed twice because of it, and both times, they couldn't tell me where they towed my car to. One of the times, they didn't even have a record of my car being towed. I had a whole rant about it earlier this year.
Thankfully, I've won every dispute, even if the arbitrator is snotty about it when I am clearly correct and gave a well-supported dispute.
Oh god, I wish. I loathe driving and try to use public transit as much as possible, but still need my car periodically.
"oh no I heckled a person tasked with parking enforcement into saying that she won't give me a ticket, and she gave me a ticket anyways! wtf!"
These workers encounter 100 people like you a day. Half of them will verbally accost the worker if they respond "yeah, you gotta fix that or you'll get a ticket". It's easier to just tell people they're set in order to continue with the drudgery w/o problems.
I think you mean grey poupon
The problem your having is that some people are assholes. I used to work for parking enforcement. So long as a citizen wasn't overly rude or disrespectful of me I'd do my best to help them navigate the complexities of the system. Whereas I had at least one coworker who fucking delighted in torturing people for no fucking reason other than she could (she's dead now, after suffering for a few years with a stroke, so karma is a bitch).
if you were going to dupont there's definitely public transport lol. eat the ticket, don't take your deathtrap next time
Wow, I was agreeing with you and instead you attack me? Fuck you, dickhead.
This is an iOS issue. Don’t be a dick.
Happy holidays and fuck you as well
Only took three comments in to find people telling you not to drive. Shouldn’t take much longer to find the bike freaks.
Exactly. Once Ingot a ticket in the mail for running a red light. Was getting ready to pay. Something said look closer at the picture. I went online and blew up the photo and I did not run a red light at all. I was going straight but the left turn light was red. I circled, commented and explained there was no way I ran a red light. Uploaded all of that and sent it to traffic adjudication and the ticket was dismissed.
Citizen? You genuinely let parking enforcement go to your head lmfao
Well calling them a customer doesn't feel right either. Basically it seemed like the most neutral term choice.
I saw cops ticketing around the cherry blossoms one morning, in a zone marked by some "no parking during these times but not these other times" signs. A large family (probably Indian, based on their dress and accents, not exactly relevant except for their ability to decipher the qualified sign) showed up and pulled in to park in what looked like an open spot, which was in the middle of a bunch of other people parked illegally. As they started getting out, I warned them that there was a cop nearby who was ticketing all the cars. That cop heard me, then proceeded to berate & tell me off for warning them about the ticket. It was shocking. He'd rather have written that family a ticket than have them just follow the rules when told.
It's DC, man. Everything's a fucking joke.
Contest the ticket; there is a specific option for “paid for parking with app” or something like that. Take a screenshot of the park mobile receipt and attach it as proof. Annoying but very unlikely you’ll be stuck with this ticket.
...and that? That my friends? that's corruption.
Come on man, I'm the biggest Metro fan on here, but it's common sense that public transit is not the solution for every trip and every person. And "deathtrap"? Seriously?
> He'd rather have written that family a ticket than have them just follow the rules when told.
Because the primary point of all of these rules is revenue.
They probably work on commission. His reaction is proof
Seems like a problem with park mobile not DC. But at the end of the day it's your job to make sure you are parked legally, not theirs.
It's definitely not.
Literally no police or any parking enforcement officers anywhere in or around DC work on commission.
Then why does every city agency behave exactly as if it is?
I mean that's what they are.....
Then why be so pushy? And say you're OK but then ticket you. They seem to take more pride in their work then other city employees
I can't look into every person's brain to describe their actions.
I can tell you though they don't work on commission.
So is a parking babysitter. Calling someone a citizen is some military authority wannabe shit a LOT of the time.
Fuck those guys. I had the same thing happen to me. I walked up to a parking enforcement person (who was 100% illegally parked in her vehicle just playing games on her phone) and pointed directly at my car and the parking sign and asked if I was legally parked and if I would get a ticket and she said I was good... Not 10 minutes later she went and ticketed my car.
I fought it but DC parking is full of twats and they straight up denied any appeal.
Then they wonder why everyone hates public officials and any type of authority figures.
I think you may be confusing ‘citizen’ with ‘civilian.’
I just don’t pay for parking ever, and roll the dice. If you want my money you gotta work for it
Me too! I was shocked at how quickly they came too. But then I saw that the vehicle has over $3000 in unpaid parking tickets, so I wonder if it even matters…
Do they have quotas to hit tho?
Calling someone pathetic for doing their job…relax
No matter what, it shouldn’t be on the OP to have to remedy someone else’s error - the whole situation just adds unnecessary burden into the OP’s life when they tried to do the right thing. Plus, it adds to the issue that the ticketing person & the arbitration staff are likely paid in some very small part paid out of the OP’s district tax dollars…
This is like when your medical insurance doesn’t cover something that you have proof they need to cover…and it’s on you to take the time out of your day to prove to them that they need to do their jobs correctly.
I did actually check the one I reported, and they had no outstanding tickets. Maybe I just got lucky
Ahh an ad hominems, such a strong response.
Nowhere is anyone's official title 'parking babysitter'
Hey bro nice work you totally converted someone to your way of thinking by being a dickhead!
Yeah I'll show respect to the parking lot army when they stop pretending they're powerful
Honestly you should just show respect to everyone regardless of if it's reciprocated or not.
Her job isn’t to lie to the public so she can then write a ticket. I stand by what I said. Needless lying is pathetic, so if she or her coworkers do this, they’re pathetic.
Clearly they didnt actually do their job if you read the post
What a toxic comment.
No, no you should not.
I try to only drive into DC on Sundays when the parking is free.
You sound like an insufferable twat, you know that?
Used to live in DC, live in Philly now. Parking enforcement is a critical public service. Without it your city will turn into Philly: people park on the crosswalks, they park on the sidewalk. They park on people's private yards. They will turn the center lane of wide boulevards into a parking lane. They will double and triple park on the sidewalk. They will park in the single traffic lane of small streets. The sheer obstruction of cars in Philly is at a critical mass.
This is all because our parking enforcement agency restricts itself to enforcement in metered/permitted zones and literally ignores everywhere else. The police won't touch parking enforcement with a 10' pole.
The out of control parking is significantly diminishing quality of life. Some streets you have to walk in the road to get around cars parked on the sidewalk.
Effective parking enforcement is a critical public service.
Hopping on the train to let you know you should fuck yourself
My registration expired June of 2020 and I got a ticket in June of 2019 for expired registration. Like, even if it was the correct year, it would still be fine in June?? Pretty much every car on the street I was parked on had a ticket, smh
Wasn’t there a post not too long ago sharing a vehicle that had like $10,000 in fines, unpaid? If that car isn’t getting booted and impounded, honestly who gives a shit about even disputing a ticket then? Just ignore and don’t pay it, seems like no else is…
Performance review
It’s almost comforting hearing that it’s this bad in other cities as well. Richmond is known for this kind of shit
My first parking ticket in DC was when I picked up a friend to take to the airport -- the parking enforcement car was blocking entrance to the alley behind her rowhouse. I parked against the curb and got her and her bag and returned, and the parking enforcement car had moved to double-park me, because they were out of paper to give me a ticket. So they told me I had a ticket that I'd have to look up. I did and contested it. My contest failed because curbside parking for greater than 2 hours on that street is reserved for residents.
It is preposterous.
You're right and OP is right with their "Edit 2" comment. People ARE assholes (anyone who's worked a retail/service job can attest), and this sub IS full of sanctimonious Redditors who claim moral superiority in one sentence and toss mud at you in the next.
What actually was said by OP is unknown - they could very well have asked if they were "all set" with that sarcastic attitude and tone I'm sure you've heard before - but we're supposed to give people the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise.
AutoModerator t1_iznsg01 wrote
Your submission appears to be asking about parking.
Your first resources are available here and here.
Unless you are in a residential area of the city, there is no such thing as reliably free and easy long-term parking. Please read parking signs carefully, even locals get confused sometimes.
Useful apps for parking include ParkMobile for street parking and SpotHero for garage spaces.
Visiting a friend in the city? Ask them for a free visitor parking pass from any MPD station.
Did you receive a ticket? Are you guilty? If so, pay it. Pictures and incorrect information doesn't matter.
Parking resources for:
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