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Maximum-Share-2835 OP t1_j2eo9xh wrote

Reply to comment by empire88 in dca gates by Maximum-Share-2835

Yeah, but so does the number. Because that's how a map labeled with numbers/names works. Especially since they're in numerical order down the line.


empire88 t1_j2eop33 wrote

Absolutely no pilot wants to deal with ' gate 58 is somewhere in this airport'


Maximum-Share-2835 OP t1_j2eowaq wrote

Right, and maybe it's just me, but seeing a map that is a line where the numbers go up in order makes it pretty simple to find where 58 is.


empire88 t1_j2eoyt3 wrote

It is just you.


Maximum-Share-2835 OP t1_j2ep4md wrote

🤣🤣🤣🤣I'm sorry I'm bragging about my ability to count in that case
