Submitted by LEthrowaway3401 t3_zqx0np in washingtondc
Loki-Don t1_j10rexs wrote
If you are looking to become an urban cop / detective or transition into other law enforcement (FBI or Secret Service) then you should do your time at a Major PD like MPD.
If you are looking for something to just pass the decades with, try the Capitol Police. On a per officer basis, they are the highest and best funded police agency in the nation and your days are pretty low stress, save for the once in a generation coup attempt by a President.
If you are looking to both relax and make bank, get a job with the Mountain View CA PD. Absolutely beautiful area. The most stressful thing they do is hand out parking tickets and return lost wallets. They start you out at $130K a year but the average on the force is $170K.
scotch_please t1_j11xw0m wrote
> They start you out at $130K a year but the average on the force is $170K.
How far out would you have to commute to live somewhere with single family homes that are under $1.5 million? $170k a year is not close to the generic recommended salary to afford buying in a housing market that expensive. Unless someone's childless or fine raising kid(s) in a condo.
Loki-Don t1_j122z57 wrote
Most cops in Mountain View with families live in Milpitas or east San Jose which are all a 25 minute drive and (according to Redfin a minute ago) have quite a few of sub 1.2M options. The single cops live in apartments in MountIn View, Palo Alto or Menlo Park. The MV Police agency is so flush they subsidize living expenses for their cops as well.
scotch_please t1_j12d4ih wrote
> The MV Police agency is so flush they subsidize living expenses for their cops as well.
Not surprised to hear that. I can't imagine making that much and still being priced out of owning a detached home in the area, unless you're a dual income household. At least this area has a ton of appealing options out in the suburbs and rural towns that are priced accordingly.
Oldbayistheshit t1_j14hu9j wrote
Cap Hill police would be the way to go
MarkinDC24 t1_j17ab99 wrote
Uh - isn’t there great morality issues with this organization right now?
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