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nevvasleep t1_j10wf59 wrote

Don't go into law enforcement thinking you are gonna make a difference because politics keeps you from doing it. If you like being social and going out rethink law enforcement. Policing really makes you hate being around people and you stop trusting people. 18 years PGPD


floppydisk1995 t1_j110682 wrote

>Policing really makes you hate being around people and you stop trusting people.

Don't need to be a cop to gain that kind of insight.


MarkinDC24 t1_j17a5lg wrote

I’m so sorry to hear of your experience. What are some of the issue at play, you have mentioned politics but is there more in your experience. I’ll be the first to admit police often deal with people who do not want them there but they are pivotal to our safety or common law system - bringing people closer to lady justice.


nevvasleep t1_j1bwmxd wrote

Low morale, not enough officers, no backing from politicians. Everything seems to be ran by the emotions of people on social media rather than what's going on in front of you.