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giscard78 t1_j6mqzz7 wrote

> I always thought the barn door rooms was a step up from a studio

I’ve seen these referred to as a “junior one bedroom” sometimes (I don’t think it’s industry wide or standard). The name has always sounded kind of funny to me, like it’s someone working their way up to comprehending a bedroom with an out facing window, not the unit trying to downplay the shitty floor plan lol.


squuidlees t1_j6mujy7 wrote

Working their way up to a room with a window sounds on brand with DC at least.. I definitely like the ones where there’s the fogged glass barn door and the wall that stops before the ceiling, so at least natural light can sort of get through!


NPRjunkieDC t1_j6n59bl wrote

My mom had a junior one bedroom in NYC. No door cuz no closet and no space for closet. But it had a window