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Visual_Cloud8473 t1_j5wgtj9 wrote

As usual the public is policing for the police and not getting paid.


metrazol t1_j5woyep wrote

Those are some rookie numbers. Not even hiding in a freezer. That other guy had 40.


squuidlees t1_j5wp0f7 wrote

When I was 15 carjacking wasn’t even remotely on my radar…


WildcatBitches t1_j5wrzts wrote

Hoping you mean, “pray to god [you]… DON’T HAVE to use it”

Cause the way you wrote it makes it sounds like you’re jerking off with the same oil you probably don’t use to maintain your gun.


otter111a t1_j5wz4cn wrote

Doesn’t dc require you to register pepper spray as a weapon if purchased in Dc? So how is that incident labeled as “unarmed”


tmayl t1_j5x11mt wrote

He's probably back at home right now on house arrest 🤣🤣


otter111a t1_j5x8ihq wrote

I think the laws have changed in the past few years. It used to be that if you purchased in the district you had to register it. When I first moved to Dc I tried to register it at a police station and they had no idea what I was talking about.

Now, however, I don’t think you need to register it and it’s lawful to carry for self defense only.

It’s possible Amazon hasn’t updated their restrictions to match current laws.

Here’s Sabre’s website with outdated info


horthianflorff t1_j5xfhez wrote

Oh shit they got Donut? Did McNulty make the arrest?


TMacOnTheTrack t1_j5xfoex wrote

Y’all still complaining?? The police did their job and made an arrest. Isn’t that what is supposed to happen? Y’all complain for complaining sake.


RoosterInMyRrari t1_j5y38hl wrote

He will get a slap on the wrist just to be let out again and go around committing more crimes I’m sure.


debyrne t1_j5y5rkg wrote

I like that even on the posts about criminals being caught we all get to still argue about prosecution and or age/socioeconomics… You’re not solving any problems but y’all sure do like your opinions!


1800TurdFerguson t1_j5yeltp wrote

Is all OP does is post reports about crime in the District?


posam t1_j5yf7iy wrote

I’m all for doing things differently but as is the only reforms that seem to happen across the US is police and justice system reform.

They are at the back end of the problem and cannot just be dropped and have enforcement minimized without following through on more comprehensive changes that result in people getting to that layer of the issue in the first place.


Useful-Pattern-5076 t1_j5yh9mx wrote

If Muriel doesn’t want this place turning into GTA V then lock his ass up for a long time


pro-laps t1_j5yim2e wrote

I wish there was some follow up news or posts about what ends up happening after these kids our arrested.

Either confirm or disprove the slap on the wrist narrative


Swampoodle1984 OP t1_j5yjvhi wrote

Good morning, I've lived in DC for nearly 15 years. I started coming to Reddit to learn about incidents that were happening in my neighborhood. I always found it useful. Unfortunately, it's a topic that many people are thinking about these days.


1800TurdFerguson t1_j5yks0v wrote

Sorry, not buying it. I'm guessing you're on the payroll of Faux News, the Faily Wire, or one of the constellation of Koch-funded "think tanks" or "non-profits", and part of your job is to foment unrest in the sub as part of your "social media/web producer" job.


MAX_cheesejr t1_j5ylfuy wrote

Imagine if he had the same discipline to do something else


debyrne t1_j5ynebj wrote

Also learned >> anyone with an understanding of learning/education will tell you setting matters so yeah he learned this from??? Society?! And i dunno man but society definitely is effected by things like wealth inequality and lack of resources for the mentally I’ll

But yeah go Ahead and Believe we are all innocent and this kid is just bad inherently and he should just be locked in prison so you can feel better about not wanting to force change in society to raise better children.

But yeah dog. It’s all on him and his parents let’s not think any further than that


ballastboy1 t1_j5z005f wrote

He learned it from parents, friends, peers, or violent criminals he sees in the media and has been taught to respect and mimic.

99% of people in society aren’t violent carjackers.


mikitronz t1_j5z1z0q wrote

Deterrence requires a cost benefit analysis that children do not do. Making laws more and more draconian will therefore not help. Rehabilitation is not remotely possible at current spending levels and I don't think we're willing to do it at any spending level.


ThatRealTay1989 t1_j5z4s3j wrote

Disappointed no one here has made a baby driver joke. Keep him away from Kevin Spacey! (For more than one reason)


buy-niani t1_j5z9jzt wrote

In a nutshell for you Don’t you remember your parents criminalize their parent so that you could get all the goodies created by their great great slave. Do you want examples ? Redlining Dump of drugs in the neighborhood Refusing them job and career


cryptotmm t1_j5zlr80 wrote

And he’s probably out ready for his 9th 10th 11th


Evening_Chemist_2367 t1_j5zmq3m wrote

Serious serial offenses (like multiple armed carjackings and robberies) should automatically disqualify from being tried as a juvenile. The only possible leniency should be able to be realized conditionally via a plea deal based on information that actually results in arrest and conviction of the people he got the gun from, as well as the people who he was planning to deliver the stolen vehicles to. No arrests and convictions on those, no deal.


ballastboy1 t1_j5zpami wrote

> learned it from parents, friends, peers, or violent criminals he sees in the media and has been taught to respect and mimic.

Were you not capable of reading a list of people who are responsible for influencing the kid's behavior? Or did you deliberately decide to ignore it?


Enzo_Gorlahmi t1_j5ztgaq wrote

Unfortunately it happens often. Read up on the Youth Rehabilitation Act, which allows judges to disregard sentencing guidelines, can expunge the records from public record, and now can be applied for offenders up to age 25 because the DC Council raised the applicable age range.

This 23yo, who was on probation for armed offenses, had an illegal firearm that was misplaced, ended up paralyzing a 4 year-old girl and he got sentenced to 18 months + probation after leaving her to die while he went to hide the gun instead of helping her.

The YRA and other similar criminal reform laws are often constructed with good intentions but all too often sentencing leniency in the District is granted to repeat offenders, violent crimes, or crimes involving a firearm. Excluding gun offenders or violent crimes from the YRA or asking for transparent public records isn't a crazy ask from our community.


buy-niani t1_j5zzpac wrote

Who told you you had to be white to promote Eurocentric view I just told you my theory whether you agreed or not that what I am interested about. I am African. I meet Africans in Africa that truly believed in the superiority of the white race. I am lucky enough to have experienced the world and grew up around a large variety of people from all classes and religion.
