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app_priori t1_j65ci1p wrote

If it had been 5 White/non-Black cops arrested, I think it would have been very bad.

But given that it was 5 Black cops who got arrested, I expect that fact to lessen the tension a lot. There's an implied notion that after a decade of many highly publicized cases of police brutality, cops (especially Black men who are cops) should know better. Kudos to the family of the victim and their lawyer calling for calm as well. There's going to be more of a police brutality angle to this one than a race one.

I hope to read more about the service history of these cops. Most likely they all exhibited warning signs in their records.

Policing has a tendency to attract bullies and power-trippers. Given the police officer shortage throughout this country, it is easier for people of bad dispositions to become police officers. Police departments need to be empowered to remove people of poor disposition and tendencies towards authoritarianism from their ranks. Policing is a service, not an excuse to be a jack-booted thug of the state.


Skimster t1_j65wbxl wrote

I think it is also lessened by the fact that all five have already been fired and charged with murder.


go4tli t1_j667e0i wrote

This. There was accountability for the police.

The usual triggering issue is zero accountability for the police.


Skimster t1_j66b6vq wrote

Well, it wouldn’t be full accountability until the arrests were turned into guilty convictions with meaningful sentences, but at least the potential for accountability seems to be proceeding in an appropriate timeframe.


damnatio_memoriae t1_j6e8n8l wrote

accountability for the black police. there were white officers involved too who haven't been held accountable at all. you can see them in the videos.


d00n3r t1_j692dtm wrote

Sure, until it happens again in a few days.


RNconsequential t1_j66tx8u wrote

You did notice how fast they fired and charged the black officers did ya’?


Fit-Negotiation-2917 t1_j693rse wrote

Lol pulling the race card. A victim mentality.

Maybe it also has to do with how they clearly beat the shit out of him on camera?


jofijk t1_j69nwvs wrote

A lot of people from Memphis have posted on the bigger threads that the chief of police is directly responsible for creating the special unit that the 5 cops were on and she’s firing/charging them as more of a political move than anything. The unit is called SCORPION and apparently has received lots of complaints from brown/black neighborhoods that they are aggressive and go out of their way to intimidate. If this was just caught on police body cam the footage would never have seen any publicity. A major part of why the public knows about this is that a security camera caught the full incident. In the security camera video you can see the moment they notice the camera and the demeanor of everyone completely changes


RNconsequential t1_j697p5b wrote

You are funny.

You are willfully ignoring SO MUCH OF LIFE i don’t know how you avoid crashing into people when you drive.


Fit-Negotiation-2917 t1_j69av2n wrote

Lolwut? Shit makes no sense bro lol


RNconsequential t1_j69d5le wrote

You are right. A lot of shit in the real world doesn’t make sense to you. You might want to stop while you are behind. Your stupid is showing out your ass.


Fit-Negotiation-2917 t1_j69hd0z wrote

Good one dude. Glad you are bringing my driving ability into a discussion about the the manslaughter of Tyre.

Your username checks out with regards to your logic and opinions.


RNconsequential t1_j69ma4o wrote

(it is not about your driving but how little you pay attention or understand. now that I have spoon fed you how much you just don’t get it, please stop i am embarrassed for you.)


Fit-Negotiation-2917 t1_j6a50ox wrote

Lol you can’t even spoon feed yourself dude. You can barely type a coherent sentence.


CatsWineLove t1_j68br9l wrote

That was my reaction as well. Interesting that white cop killers cases drag out & rarely end in convictions.


DCArmory1229 t1_j66zovc wrote

Black Cops are always convicted, they don’t get the same pass


International_Ad8264 t1_j66d5dh wrote

I counted at least ten officers in the body cam footage


Existing365Chocolate t1_j69w0ji wrote

Yes which is why they said others are under investigation, though only that 5 actually physically committed the murder and beat down


International_Ad8264 t1_j69ykiy wrote

You can see a white officer kick him in the head at one point, this officer has not been charged


alagrancosa t1_j69o9lf wrote

Agree. This is really the first time-where the perpetrating officers were either fired immediately or charged criminally. Often, we only finally see these videos after months if not years of foi requests and then we often learn that the officer remains on the force.

This whole incident shows what is meant by “structural racism”. Our law enforcement infrastructure evolved from the patchwork of private and public jails and slave catching forces that were used to catch runaways and chasten rebellious or naughty slaves.

As a result of this slave catching, us vs them mentality, a white person is far more likely to be killed by police in the United States or Brazil than a black person in any part of Western Europe.


masteryodaswisdom t1_j6cbr83 wrote

Until the perpetrators are convicted things are not settled. The charges definitely are justified and a good sign of improvement, but if these guys get off there may be additional retaliation. Also the overall nature of grotesque publicized gang violence under the name of law enforcement seems far more impactful than one disgusting cop with a bunch of standbys in the case of George Floyd. Even if everyone involved gets convicted it's still an unsatisfactory response for most people that are not ok with this behavior


DLive4285 t1_j69pg8s wrote

We definitely need more of them, but hardcore psych evaluations before hiring for sure.