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ichyman t1_j5v6a4w wrote

Nice list. I’ll try Inferno Pizzeria Darnestown.


thekingoftherodeo t1_j5v6nho wrote

> Your roadmap to the Washington food scene

Proceeds to include a restaurant from Annapolis and one from Centreville.

Edit: And indeed Front Royal with IALW

Beltway or bust for these lists tbh, if you can't get there by Metro/Metrobus then it shouldn't be on it.


Brickleberried t1_j5v7p0p wrote

Let's see which ones I've heard of or been to:

Heard of:

  • #24: Le Diplomate
  • Bantam King/Daikaya/Haikan/Hatoba: But only heard of Bantam King/Daikaya
  • Makan
  • Rasika
  • Sura

Been to:

  • Moon Rabbit: Just went there last week for restaurant week lunch. Had a 3-course meal. Was really good. Great banh mi and good snickerdoodle cookie.
  • Thip Khao: It's okay.

So heard of 7% of them, but only been to 2% of them.

Edit: So apparently, I'm getting downvoted just for mentioning that I don't know of mostly upscale restaurants. Cool, cool, guess I'm not elite enough for the /r/washingtondc crowd.


GenericReditAccount t1_j5v8s7l wrote

What the hell is with the multiple "Nice list. I'll try Inferno Pizza in Darnestown" comments?

Nice list. I'll try Inferno Pizza in Darnestown.


GenericReditAccount t1_j5v9kek wrote

  1. I'm on the "inside the beltway, or bust" train.
  2. I'm both relieved and delighted to see Green Almond Pantry on here.

celj1234 t1_j5vc82z wrote

Nice list. I'll try Inferno Pizzeria in Darnestown.


Ok-Measurement5347 t1_j5vfm7h wrote

I appreciate that they have some lower priced places on there in addition to all the expected find dining places.

Been to 22.

Just from a quick review, lots of Spanish, French, and Japanese places. Only one Mexican place. I’ve had great food at Destino and would put that above a bunch of the places on the list that I’ve also been too.


1800TurdFerguson t1_j5vi15o wrote

The problem with that is you lose some of the ethnic enclaves and Metro accessible locations north of the Beltway in Maryland. Wheaton has great Thai and ramen restaurants. The North Bethesda to Rockville corridor is where so many of the good Chinese restaurants are.


kirkl3s t1_j5vkawc wrote

I made a mad lib for everyone to comment!

Wow, I can't believe [restaurant] is on this list. I went to [restaurant] and I was not impressed. The [food / ambiance / service] was mediocre at best. And the [waitstaff / chef / owner] is a known for being [sexist / racist / anti-worker / homophobic / rude / slow / including a restaurant recovery fee on the check]. I can't believe [restaurant] is ranked higher than [other restaurant]. Everyone thinks that [other restaurant] is so much better. And why are restaurants from [city / town] included on this list? I thought this was about Washington. Clearly Washingtonian is biased against [neighborhood you live in]. This entire list is bullshit.


NorseTikiBar t1_j5vpcnk wrote

Yeah, it reminds me that DCist article that came out about places you could explore using the new Silver Line extension, and nearly every single one said "and then take a 10 minute Uber." Kinda missing the point there.


LobbyDizzle t1_j5vzc9f wrote

I was mad and about to dismiss this whole list for missing Little Serow, but am now sad to see they've been on hiatus since Sept 2022.


Tahh t1_j5w0h2d wrote

Hey I've been to one of these


Smarkie t1_j5w19rv wrote

Wow, every uber-expensive restaurant in town is on that list. What a surprise from this irrelevant glossy magazine.


donemessedup123 t1_j5w1njt wrote

Nice list. I’ll try Inferno Pizzeria in Darnestown.


MountainMantologist t1_j5wg3bp wrote

Maydān not making the top 25 while 2 Amy’s and Le Dip do invalidates the whole thing for me.

But obviously people love restaurants and lists and lists of restaurants so here we are


playdoh t1_j5wg3xl wrote

Rose's Luxury can't make the top 100? I haven't been since pre-Covid. What happened?


SurferNerd t1_j5wjdkj wrote

It’s still excellent! Pineapple & Pearls and Little Pearl, from the same hospitality group, both made the list, so I wonder if they didn’t want to include the third. I’m not mad. Allows another spot a chance at publicity, which Roses has enough of.


Expert_pepper_lover t1_j5wnfad wrote



stellaluna29 t1_j5woixh wrote

I know this is a joke but the guys at Pizza Boli’s on 15th St were super kind after my sister and I were followed by a creepy guy recently and we ducked into Pizza Boli’s to avoid him, so 5/5 stars from me!!


maduste t1_j5wpen6 wrote

We lived a block away from 2Amys for a few years, left in 2020. Pizza is pretty good (prefer DaMarco’s, il Canale, and even Paradiso) and the staff is nice. The layout is weird, and it’s infested with children. To put it above Fiola, for example, invalidates the whole list.


CBR0_32 t1_j5wpz1x wrote

I’ve lived in DC about 2 years now and I haven’t been to a single one of these restaurants 🤡


NPRjunkieDC t1_j5wxeb2 wrote

Maydan + Rasika + Aracosia + Anju + El Cielo are my favorite.

Not crazy about Obelisk, Nakazawa or Centrolina.


Bethesdan t1_j5wz7tt wrote

I was so happy to see Inferno made the list. It’s absolutely worth the drive, and can be paired nicely with the Billy Goat trail, or one of the big parks nearby. Over COVID, when they were doing takeout-only, we’d take a bottle of wine and tailgate out of the trunk. So good.


Panda_alley t1_j5x3b52 wrote

They might as well just lean into it and include places in Philly, Asheville, Charleston and Toronto


mr_grission t1_j5x3ncz wrote

11 years in DC and I've only been to 2 of these. Side effect of being single for most of that time I guess.


sazzer82 t1_j5x6w0t wrote

Super happy for the Daikaya group but I’m surprised they didn’t include Tonari which is right next door to them and Bantam King. The food is 🤌🏻


sawatdee_Krap t1_j5x7jgo wrote

I was there not terribly long ago and mostly it just hasn’t done anything new. I’m like 90% sure the menu was the same as when I was there years ago, or at least with some of the same items.


sawatdee_Krap t1_j5xade1 wrote

Oh for sure. But the main thing about the top 100 in DC is there are ALWAYS new places and restaurant groups coming in. Unless a restaurant is continuing to be innovative, they aren’t worth listing.

I mean that is not for everything. 2 Amy’s has been on forever and I’m not sure they ever changed haha

But for most places it’s innovation-quality-service-atmosphere-presentation

Some places just get complacent


imk t1_j5xcxt7 wrote

So do people actually go to Marib now? It has gotten great reviews for years but i have never seen it even half full.

It is a shame. It may not be as good as some of the fancy places on the list, but a pot of garlicky fahsa with bread on a cold day is brilliant

It may have something to do with the location. It isn’t exactly in the most happening part of the area


crepesquiavancent t1_j5xrxh8 wrote

I’m surprised there’s not more ethiopian food on the list 🤔


turbochikens t1_j5zjs3j wrote

I move around the DMV for work every few years. Currently in Maryland - happy & shocked to see Inferno! Seriously such good pizza.


islesandterps t1_j5zoh2p wrote

Hot take but, the one time I went to Maydan I was very unimpressed. Not gonna say 2Amys or Le Dip need to be in the top 25 but I still just feel insane every time people mention Maydan being so good. I think I need to try again...


MountainMantologist t1_j5zpf3d wrote

Dang! When did you go?

I started going in 2019? 2018? and went three times last year - haven't had a bad meal yet. Even though with the Tawle you're getting 95% the same stuff on each visit I never get tired of it. We had a big group one night and I took home all the leftovers and feasted for like four more days. Can't get enough of it.

EDIT: I do miss the pre-pandemic days though when they'd bring out like 10-12 different dips/condiments. I could make a meal of their fresh bread dipped in different combinations of those condiments