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blues_and_ribs t1_j6g44dw wrote

I think the odds for snow peak in Feb. Then still a decent chance in March. If we hit, say, the middle of March with no snow, that’s when it’s time to worry.


Administrative-Egg18 t1_j6g4hhg wrote

I think this has always occasionally happened here (La Nina?), but it will be more common with global warming.


slutbag69420 t1_j6g59qd wrote

Just wait till that random cold week in April


alizadk t1_j6g5e1o wrote

Welcome to the DC snow donut.


MrSchnuffles t1_j6g5ni5 wrote

There will eventually be a year where I'm found lying face down on my partially cleared driveway with a snow shovel in my hand.

It seems that this year will not be the year.


giscard78 t1_j6g6tq3 wrote

> Like, any time there's a chance for snow it turns to rain!

Cold weather usually comes from the west and precipitation usually from the south. Conditions need to be just right for snow here.

DC is also near the edge of the coastal plain. Back in MCPS, they’d give us snow days because it was snowy in Poolesville but raining in the east county.


districtdathi t1_j6gevqn wrote

First off, I think a lot of our snow comes in the month of February, so snow season aint over, yet. Secondly, I'm a property manager who spends every snow day busting my back shoveling, so I'm not too upset. It does create a lovely ambiance, though, so I get it


Mustangfast85 t1_j6gfxpb wrote

Snow is nice for about 1 day then it gets old and gross. I’m not complaining, I don’t even own snow boots here so I’d be cowboy for a day if it eventually does!


CanaKitty t1_j6gg0v9 wrote

Due to climate change, unfortunately this is how it will be from now on


sfchillin t1_j6gg19p wrote

Snow is a thing of the past here. Get ready for 80 degree days in the coming winters


JKDudeman t1_j6ghplt wrote

Winter is coming.


Edit: Did no one see GOT?


Thin_Bug_6405 t1_j6gittm wrote

Just wait til mid late February… just when you think winter is over lol


ballsohaahd t1_j6giu4m wrote

I believe this is called climate change. It’s literally never cold enough to snow and we have 60 degree days every week or so.

Lot has changed in 3-4 years lol


GeezusLizard t1_j6gj790 wrote

Chill it'll probably snow in march after an unusually warm day


Brave_Bird84 t1_j6gkdho wrote

I’m thrilled! I grew up in upstate NY and I love it here b/c there’s less snow…except when we had that huge blizzard in 2015 I think it was….?


toobscreemer0891 t1_j6gm0d3 wrote

There will never be any snow ever again. Ever. Anywhere. Forever.


classicalL t1_j6gm4h5 wrote

There was snow in Nov/Dec. The biggest snow storms in MD tend to occur in Feb or the first week in March because it is wetter. All it has to do is get cold enough for a day or two.


k032 t1_j6gnjtn wrote

There have been huge snow storms in February and March around here.


OGkateebee t1_j6gnk5i wrote

Any Baltimore suburb peeps know this phenomenon as the Hereford Zone. Baltimore County has a special zone cut out for the far-north part of the county that touches PA so that the kids around the beltway wouldn’t be so lucky. Even growing up in Howard County we hated those Hereford Zone kids who always got off LOL


EC_dwtn t1_j6gnubo wrote

DC's had some winters without much snow in the past, but we're still seeing something historic this year.

Dulles just set it's record for latest day in the season with no measurable snow, and DCA is currently at 5th latest with no snow.


rev3nge914 t1_j6goqjl wrote

Read a news article this morning about how this is the longest DC, Baltimore, Philly, and NYC have all gone without snow. Also stated that it's not the record warmest winter, but definitely in the top 10.


JuliusCeejer t1_j6gpfy7 wrote

2016 had a pretty big storm too, fucked my car up real good when I needed to be in person for a meeting after letting the snow melt and re-freeze under it for 3 days. Absolutely wrecked the paneling and needed a new exhaust because I was in a rush and panicked


districtdathi t1_j6gpsi5 wrote

That would be ideal! one of the push ones that looks kinda like a push-lawnmower would be awesome, but I work for a small, family-run business and I don't think we don't get enough snow to justify the cost. plus, the city outlawed new, gasoline run 2-stroke motors and I don't know if they make electric ones. It's worth looking into, though! Thanks for the suggestion!


ocaesar t1_j6gr35s wrote

Snowmageddon was crazy. No school for two weeks, I had just gotten an iPod for Christmas and discovered Pink Floyd and other music during that time. Great memories!


damnatio_memoriae t1_j6gsq3a wrote

blizzard of 93 was march but blizzard of 96 and 99 were both jan.

all three of shut the city down for a week.

i wasnt here for the other big ones in the 2000s but i think a couple were in feb and maybe one in jan.


BarukhPhoto t1_j6gtfbm wrote

I was raised in Philly during 60s & early 70s, and we rarely had snow, only an occasional snow or ice storm. Philly & SE Pa is east of the Alleghenies, which blocks snow coming in from the west. And so any major snow we did get was from rare winter nor’easters. I recall a common pattern of cold rain, followed by high pressure systems that brought sunny but frigid air. I think we had maybe 4 or 5 school closings in a 10 yr period (the threshold for school closing was far higher than it is today).


mklilley351 t1_j6gwbrt wrote

Snow usually shows up right when you start to think about spring so get ready for March


lunajive t1_j6gxaeo wrote

You mean I just got my Subaru for nothing??!!!!


rubermnkey t1_j6gxtwc wrote

we got like a solid 3 weeks off of school in 96 because it hit right when we were supposed to come back from the winter christmas/new years break. crazy shit, had to climb like a 12 foot tall banks of snow to get to the bus for a few weeks from how they cleared the roads, dug tunnels to all the neighbor kids backyards and had a big igloo for awhile. never know what the weather is going to be like around here though so fingers crossed snowmageddon 2.0 is around the corner.


TechByDayDjByNight t1_j6gz327 wrote

You must not be from here. We get snow in Oct or feb/march

There's plenty of time in the season


jofijk t1_j6h0ozr wrote

Snowmageddon was early February 2010. I don't remember when the 2016 blizzard was but I feel like it was the last week of January at the earliest. I'm not getting my hopes up but I wouldn't necessarily be surprised if we get hit with snow sometime in the next 2 months


Avenger772 t1_j6h1ezs wrote

DC hasn't had snow in over 380 days. The amount of days between snowfalls has gotten longer and longer over the past 100 years.

Yet climate change doesn't exist right?


Free_Dog_6837 t1_j6h23ke wrote

i would be pretty thrilled about this fact if it wasn't for the underlying reason


blues_and_ribs t1_j6h4boh wrote

Overall it’s certainly trending in the direction where years like this are more common, but I recently moved back here after a long absence and this sort of thing is not unheard of. The last winter season I experienced here was 07-08, and it was quite similar to this. I remember because my job had me outside a lot that winter. The first snow wasn’t until late January, and IIRC it only snowed twice that season, and neither was very big. I also remember it getting into the low 70s the first week of January.


CuriousCatAri t1_j6h7dhf wrote

So sucks. Haven’t seen a single flurry. Eff global warming and the especially the asshats causing global warming, meaning us.


tmack99 t1_j6hdbl3 wrote

Drive north til you hit a ski resort


AllerdingsUR t1_j6hevtm wrote

Similar thing used to happen on the VA side! The Fairfax county kids would resent the eastern Loudoun students for getting off with no snow because Loudoun is huge and the western end is closer to Harper's Ferry than it is to DC.


EmpressTita t1_j6hftrc wrote

What's wrong with you? Snow is not good for healthcare workers FORCED (by necessity) to go out in it. Not everyone gets an empty hospital bed when they stay overnight at work. Some of us have to sleep on the floor in facilities with no personal hygiene amenities (showers) or access to food.


Devastator1981 t1_j6hl2u9 wrote

I’m good with no snow if we are getting highs in 40s (which we are). What’ll be annoying is if we aren’t in mid-60s for most of March.


LeoMarius t1_j6hmlmb wrote

It’s too warm because of global warming. Snow may become a rarity here going forward. It sucks, because I love snow.


lmboyer04 t1_j6hsn6e wrote

People say this as if it’s surprising. We may associate Christmas and new years as “peak winter” but winter actually only begins on December 21 and lasts until March 21.


Neferknitti t1_j6hsp4k wrote

I take full responsibility. I bought a snow blower this fall. We’re not getting any snow.


lovelybeebug t1_j6hszhs wrote

Can you not! I hate snow. The accidents, the black ice, no work = no money, possible power outages, etc.


downvoteKING123 t1_j6hwwo3 wrote

Meanwhile the rest of the country is getting blasted 😡


beelovedone t1_j6hyfhg wrote

Yeah it just hasn't been cold enough. We get snow in March too though so ya know.....there's time!


Csherman92 t1_j6hygjx wrote

Welcome to Washington. I sooo wish we got snow in Maryland


bingol_boii OP t1_j6hyl77 wrote

There are like, 4 comments saying "welcome to dc." Just fyi, I was born and raised here. Been living here for 29 years.


TMacOnTheTrack t1_j6hzlua wrote

Me too! Damn climate change.

I thought this coming Thursday was our day. But that’s looking like rain too.

Le sigh.


TMacOnTheTrack t1_j6hzuyk wrote

Careful. Heart attacks whilst shoveling snow is the number one killer during a blizzard. I think like a dozen people died last month in Buffalo.

Take breaks. A cleared driveway is nice but your health is more important.


drupe14 t1_j6i22lo wrote

OP I can tell the “why” in your question is rhetorical but, our planet do be warming


LuxidDreamingIsFun t1_j6i2tqt wrote

Growing up, I remember having a minimum of two snow storms a year, but usually more. I'm still in denial about having no snow this year. I'm hoping we get at least one late winter snow storm. I'll be so disappointed if we legit get nothing.


msmith1994 t1_j6i3wh2 wrote

This was my first thought. I grew up in SW MO, which has a super similar climate to DC/is in the same climate zone. We would almost never get Dec/Jan snow, and then a random snow storm or two on Feb/March.


WhiskeyTigerFoxtrot t1_j6i5oa4 wrote

Climate change can actually bring increased levels of precipitation in some places. Climate and weather are two very different things and the latter depends on a whole complicated spectrum of factors. It's not necessarily "world getting warmer = less snow." Some areas will actually get more at some points if the conditions line up.


minion_toes t1_j6i6rvl wrote

This is the coldest winter for the rest of your life 😀 (unless you move)


garrag t1_j6ieu2v wrote

One of the best times of my life - long treks to meet friends, sledding/snowboarding neighborhood hills, nightly parties around fire pits. I was a senior in high school so we didn’t have to make up the missed days either!!


jumpyg1258 t1_j6ihcdy wrote

You can thank/blame me. I bought a snow blower last year and ever since it hasn't snowed once. I call it my snow insurance.


reddqueen33 t1_j6ihlh2 wrote

Wintry mix predicted for 1/31 in MD around Annapolis for tomorrow (40% chance) so there might be an opportunity there.

We get a lot of snow in February sometimes and don't forget the occasional March last hurrah.


Lizzibabe t1_j6ihtz3 wrote

We still have Feb and March to go.


jlboygenius t1_j6ilvdn wrote

I think it was '93 or '96 when the gov shut down. My dad was home from work for a week or two. Gov opened back up and then we got snow and he was home for another week. he was getting reallllly bored. This was pre-internet so there wasn't much to do but play nintendo and watch tv.


Spaghettidan t1_j6im2hs wrote

Now is a nice time to transition to a vegetarian diet. Climate be changing but you can help


mattgif t1_j6ios1m wrote

Getting mad at the weather doesn't seem like a healthy mental choice to me.


wwb_99 t1_j6iqk09 wrote

This is going to be one of those years where be get no snow until St Patrick's day then get 2 blizzards in late march.


Au2288 t1_j6isv2q wrote

We’re clearly in 1st False Spring, somewhere in February we’ll get 2nd False Spring, followed by It’s Winter, Bitch, then in March we’ll have 1st False Summer followed by Surprise Bitch, it’s still Winter in April.


AtlasDrugged_0 t1_j6iy3pg wrote

twenty years ago we would get sub freezing temperatures and snow as early as December. Now we're looking at snowless winters from now on. Climate change is a bitch


self-extinction t1_j6j7ge8 wrote

Maybe we, as residents of the region, should consider organizing large and persistent climate crisis demonstrations outside the various relevant centers of federal power that sit so close to us.


seidinove t1_j6j81j4 wrote

Warmest January since 1950, according to weather and traffic on the 8s.


BingByronBong t1_j6j9gqf wrote

But you’d probably be quick to complain about it once it shut down part of the city…


stewbugx t1_j6jdcic wrote

  1. Winter isn't over
  2. You probably don't have a car. I fucking hate snow. If it does, I'm glad someone, aside from kids, will be happy.
  3. Feel free to laugh at me for #2, cause DC

hoofglormuss t1_j6jip5q wrote

I planted a winterberry last year to look good in the snow. THATS 75 BUCKS DOWN THE DRAIN!


DrDroDroid t1_j6jp5lb wrote

Might get snow on Dec 19th 2023 I call it


SaintEyegor t1_j6l273e wrote

My inner 8 year old is rooting for snow but my grown up self isn’t too disappointed. My company is completely set up for working remotely so snow days are pretty much a thing of the past.