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wowihaveanopinion t1_j35n6ft wrote

like… no desire/friends/shows/interest in visiting the arguably greatest city in the world? honestly just curious 💗 have u travelled outside the states?


MajesticBread9147 OP t1_j35nkxx wrote

Not really the lack of desire, just lack of opportunity. I'm only 22 so I've only really had agency for 4 years, and in those years my focus was supporting myself and my family.

I have never travelled outside America but I have been close. I had grandparents out in Arizona, and when I visited them years ago they took me to Nogales, which is a border city kinda like Arizona's San Diego, however I couldn't cross into Mexico as I didn't have a passport at the time.

Edit: I think I have been in an embassy once or twice.