Submitted by walkandtalkk t3_10pr0jt in washingtondc

I'm taking my dad to BLT Steak soon for lunch, and it dawns on me that I have no idea what constitutes a socially acceptable lunch order at a steakhouse in Washington.

I know what I'd get for dinner (steak, a lot of), and I know what I'd get for lunch at a D.C. steakhouse in the '80s (drunk). But I'm sort of at a loss for what falls within the range of appropriate, business-adjacent lunch dining at a steakhouse in D.C.

Please tell me I do not have to get a salad or a single, ungarnished salmon strip.



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TheFrozenChef t1_j6ly5em wrote

Steak salad or power Caesar (Salmon). Two martinis.


Free_Dog_6837 t1_j6m5n2r wrote

biz lunch and lunch with dad are pretty different


descartes127 t1_j6m5ngx wrote

Filet Mignon. Small enough for lunch, won’t make you tired


districtsyrup t1_j6m5wy6 wrote

> But I'm sort of at a loss for what falls within the range of appropriate, business-adjacent lunch dining at a steakhouse in D.C.

> I'm taking my dad

...are you trying to impress the waiter? when you say dad, do you mean daddy and you are his sugar baby and that's what makes this business?

jfc, look at the menu and get what sounds good. this has to be a troll post.


Pinballerz t1_j6mbp3n wrote

Surf and turf, caviar, top shelf champagne, hookers and blow.


bureaucracynow t1_j6mi91c wrote

What are you worried is going to happen? You order the wrong thing and the waiter tells you to leave? Whiteshoe lawyer at the next table sues you because you didn’t order your salad dressing on the side?


BlueCollarGuru t1_j6mkvb2 wrote

I can’t tell if this one of those satire posts or not.

Order what you want to eat? That’s worked quite well for me.


doctordisclosure t1_j6mmzi3 wrote

Order what you want. Do people really care what other people are eating for lunch?


keyjan t1_j6mnnou wrote

No one cares. Get whatever you want.


Oaktownbeeast t1_j6mpdx6 wrote

You order two steaks, one bleu, one well done. And a triple martini served in a pint glass. When you’re served the steaks you throw the well done one on the floor with flourish and and you declare - “eetz for ze dogs!!” And then you slake your thirst with a pinky raised, of course, and finish your martini in one gulp. Slam it to the table and again declare “another!” It’s called a power move, look it up.


Oldbayistheshit t1_j6ms3h9 wrote

If you ever have this question. Let the other person order first and order the same thing like you’re illiterate


GuyNoirPI t1_j6mu3m2 wrote

They can say no sloppy steaks, but they can’t stop you from ordering a streak and a glass of water!


The_Empress t1_j6mw7jf wrote

Assuming this isn’t satire, anything on the lunch menu is acceptable. If you are not paying, it’d be respectful to not order the NY Strip and stick to something in the middle tier price wise. If you’re paying and want to be extravagant, you can say “I’m thinking about getting the (name of more expensive dish)” to encourage your guests to follow suit. Generally, starting with a salad, followed by a main is most common.


bingol_boii t1_j6mxc8t wrote

Just order whatever you want, you're a grown up


thelionparty t1_j6my1fu wrote

Order a steak and a glass of water.

Right after the waiter brings these items and turns to leave, dump out the glass of water onto your steak while yelling, "let's slop 'em up!"

Immediately start cutting and eating the steak.

Welcome to the Dangerous Nights Crew.


Smarkie t1_j6n01qy wrote

BLT has thosse fabulous popovers, which are very filling. Order lots of oysters , the insanely good onion rings and a petite steak.


crabmusic t1_j6n8iyb wrote

Order the kiddie menu chicken tenders. Only option. You’ll go to jail if you don’t.


wwb_99 t1_j6nor37 wrote

Personally I ask for a dinner menu and continue to have a 1980s style multiple martini lunch.



markwasunavailable t1_j6om86i wrote

I personally would go for the lunch steak. Not to be mistaken for the dinner steak. The waiter will know.


1800TurdFerguson t1_j6op17t wrote

As long as you’re not performing any surgeries in the afternoon, I’d say a lot of steak and drunk are what you should get for lunch. Probably take the afternoon off from your job to be safe.


DharmaDivine t1_j6ourqm wrote

Why does the meal with your dad have to be socially acceptable?