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MaintenanceTraining4 t1_j5ls5b7 wrote

It’s such a problem. Chancellors Row is rife with nonsense due to their “gated community without gates” nonsense.


the5nowman t1_j5m7nwr wrote

And they’re getting absolutely ravaged by car thieves based on what I see too. On their “private streets.”


MaintenanceTraining4 t1_j5m9uj9 wrote

They are super cute and fun when it comes to non-community members walking their streets. I can bet you know what they mean by that!!!


the5nowman t1_j5pf6xi wrote

I made the mistake of walking through there, and when I put my coffee cup in one of the garbage cans, got massive stink eye from one of the people out walking their dogs. I can’t even begin to imagine what the kids there deal with at the schools. Looks like there’s one or two connected at the back of a street.


6FeetBeneathTheMoon t1_j5mdyep wrote

What kind of nonsense? Jc, I used to be a dog walker for like half of those CR people.