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WealthyMarmot t1_j4a6mhh wrote

What is the point of this?


Mr_E t1_j4be0ta wrote

Can't bitch about statehood if you can't even have a voice.


jbomble t1_j4bwhge wrote

Eleanor Holmes Norton would like a word.


strangechicken t1_j4bx7qe wrote

Did you hear her talk during the debate on adopting the rules? Respect to her, but she realllllly needs to have retired like 10 years ago.


jbomble t1_j4cf0xm wrote

Yeah, that's the problem with machines. Nobody wants to step in. Which is how people like Feinstein stay well beyond their prime.


Dry-Department-8753 t1_j4c93ak wrote

She literally saved us during the Insurrection by telling everyone to stay home and let the MAGAts have their little Pity Party on Jan. 6th

The ONE thing they counted on for their TRAITOROUS plot that didn't materialize, was anyone from the city to oppose them so they could claim "Antifa and BLM" and declare Martial Law to name Trump Dictator Forever like his hero Putin.

That GOD and Muriel Bowser that shit didn't happen


anonymous_aardvark2 t1_j4hd3q1 wrote

She may be old but the other candidates were all considerably worse than her unfortunately.

I say this as someone who was looking for a different rep but all of the other candidates had kinda wacky platforms IIRC.


slava_gorodu t1_j4e0r0a wrote

Her staff wasn‘t even in office or responding timely to cases because of Covid as late as last February at least. Had to get a family members’ rep to respond to an emergency (family stuck in Ukraine and needing asylum support and info ASAP). She needs to retire.


jbomble t1_j4gb8wi wrote

Hope your family was able to get help! Casework is important.