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Special-Literature16 t1_j4dbpky wrote

You want to understand how fascism is connected to the conservative republican party. Reading this and listening to the propaganda trump desantis and the republicans are spewing you should be able to connect the dots... Also the ideology of right wing hate groups ... Fascism has come to america wrapped in the us flag carrying a bible.


Hills_Dweller_22305 t1_j4ddke3 wrote

You didn't answer the question, u/Special-Literature16. Please explain how the rule preventing the Mayor of DC coming to the floor of the House of Representatives is fascism.

To quote my dear friend, Inigo Montoya, "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

I'll wait for a more serious answer than, "go read Hitler's manifesto."


Special-Literature16 t1_j4df9bl wrote

You should do more reading. .


Hills_Dweller_22305 t1_j4dm833 wrote

Ouch. Sick burn.

How about you actually learn the definitions of the words that you use? Or maybe focus on formulating cogent arguments?

I'm happy to buy you a dictionary and send it to you, but I think you'd do well to read the wikipedia article another redditor posted on this thread.