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johnbrownbody t1_j66cycg wrote

Again, the city makes money off of the tax revenue and if your issue is that money was provided to businesses to help set up streeteries (if true), the alternative was that businesses would not exist because people were not doing indoor dining. Then you could have parked right next to these empty storefronts.


missjennielang t1_j689xp1 wrote

You keep pretending the stuff taking up the parking isn’t subsidized. All you’re doing is showing a preference for wealthier residents.

The truth is everyone but the restaurants are harmed by the loss of parking, haven’t you listened to any of the other businesses?


johnbrownbody t1_j68aqpd wrote

>All you’re doing is showing a preference for wealthier residents

DC residents with cars are wealthier than those without. Giving cheap parking to car drivers instead of using public space for amenities that benefit the city in a variety of ways is what benefits wealthy residents who don't care if there is a bus lane because they don't take the bus. Etc.


missjennielang t1_j68em6u wrote

You forgot how everyone except the restaurant owners have been harmed by this