Submitted by MrMoustachio55 t3_125qknf
Submitted by jaztoby t3_1271ie6
Submitted by EllieAntsRAwesome t3_1250mun
Submitted by New-Fault-8492 t3_1271ds4
Submitted by [deleted] t3_123tnlr
Submitted by [deleted] t3_126x3pe
Submitted by straightlined t3_125h9i1
More trivia for y’all: This is the International Ballroom at the Washington Hilton. It has a unique shape. What’s it designed to look like and why?
Submitted by hoosyourdaddyo t3_126apxs
Submitted by BastardoSinGloria t3_1260oct
Submitted by ClearSkinJourney t3_125incj
Submitted by AFRO__SAMURAI t3_1252ivq
Submitted by Kit_Keller t3_125rct1
Submitted by 88138813 t3_126mse9
Submitted by CanesKJ34 t3_125qs1l
Submitted by AutoModerator t3_124ikqh
Submitted by mrperfect7592 t3_1265bdf
Submitted by KatelynAllie t3_12087xu
Submitted by [deleted] t3_125vo2t
Submitted by [deleted] t3_1229mut
This is a list ranking Cities across the world based on their Public Transportation! How do you feel about DC’s ranking, do you disagree or agree? Do you feel as if some of the other rankings are off? Share them below!
Submitted by yunnifymonte t3_1260fr8
Submitted by purplebananers t3_1250zsh
Submitted by efthfj t3_12581ww