Recent comments in /f/washingtondc

NPRjunkieDC t1_jefm87m wrote

But children that harass on the metro or that threw a woman off a bus when she asked them not to be so loud ?

This shows a dangerous attitude that I can't see how they are pushed to this .

Unfortunately, some very rich have tried to help with education, but it's not enough when the situation at home is not very enriching .

The city has a voucher program for housing that you would think could help young families or single moms to live in NW with good schools . But who gets these vouchers ? Unemployed recently homeless many times with mental issues


Margie_Star t1_jeflihw wrote

For me it’s the capital bike share. If it’s above 40 I bike. I love it. I wish I felt safer but the bikes themselves and their ecosystem are great. All else is metro which mostly takes me to work. I haven’t explored far out yet (been here 5 months now).


Cool_Story_Bra t1_jeflcs1 wrote

I’d just give them a call and ask. Neither seem like great choices for a vegan, but I doubt you’d be the first at either place and they can probably accommodate you.


dry_zooplankton t1_jefl61k wrote

Yep! The specter of parking and traffic will get me to bike pretty much anywhere, in nearly any condition. My car is used exclusively for shopping trips where I’m buying more than I can carry & trips far outside of the city.


iimplodethings t1_jefl4e5 wrote

One thing to be aware of is that unless you go to a dedicated gluten-free restaurant, there's a pretty large risk of cross contamination or just outright having wheat in things – one study found that upwards of 1/3 of restaurant meals labeled "gluten free" actually contained wheat.

Ethiopian food is great but often teff flour in the US is mixed with wheat flour, so make sure that isn't the case

Anyways, I second Chaia and also I'd add Seoul Spice to the list.


Cool_Story_Bra t1_jefknqx wrote

Also if it’s supposed to be a recreation of the original, it’s going to be pretty small. That venue was only rated for like 200 people. Atlantis will probably be a competitor to Union Stage, which holds 450, and Songbyrd, which has 200. Could be a bit of a replacement for Rock and Roll hotel, which was about 400 as well.


ProperWayToEataFig t1_jefkciy wrote

I lived in an apartment at 4550 Conn NW for years. Every year I got a notice of rent increase based on the annual CPI. The CPI is high at the moment. 8.5 % I think. I lived in a rent- controlled building but annual increase based on CPI is in your contract for sure. Legal.


KaleLoverr t1_jefjy1d wrote

Good access to public education does make hell of a difference, but that’s the problem. DC has a disparity in educational opportunities, and beyond education, schools are supposed to be a safe space where children can explore their interests, and a lot of schools lack that. Also, schools teach to a curriculum that often lacks the context and needs of each individual students who come from different backgrounds and home situations that would effect their want and ability to learn.

Also, despite there being for hire signs everywhere, children should not have to work. There are plenty of children who have the privilege to not work and enjoy being a kid. In the hypothetical that a child does get a job, DC minimum wage is 15-16$ which is still not a living wage in DC, and wouldn’t be much to help their family. Also, certain types of crime can seem like a way for children to acquire money faster than a for hire job would.

Sometimes children commit crime because they feel the pressure of poverty from their parents, sometimes it’s because they’re exposed to it in their homes or from their peers. Sometimes children commit crime because they feel like they have nothing to live for because low income status can do that to people. Sometimes children are literally being neglected, and feel that indulging in crime will get them the attention they want and need, even if it’s very negative. Not saying that committing crime is okay or acceptable, just saying that there are indeed social and environmental factors that would push them into it.

School should be more than education, and children are interested, but it’s important to understand the needs of each individual student, which is hard to do when teaching a class of 20+. This is where social workers, maybe mandatory after school programs, extra curricular, mentors, and more, play an important role in making children interested, ensuring that they feel cared for, and providing an outlet from difficult home situations.


Wheresmycardigan t1_jefjsvt wrote

You won't get as large of selection than Columbia Heights unless you want to drive. FWIW I've been within last two weeks and it was actually pretty stocked and organized. Maybe it's bc change in seasons but definitely not picked at or a cluster like it ush is. There's also no fitting room attendant because of staffing shortages so you can just walk in without having to wait.

Next best I'd say is NY Ave.

I got in habit of buying online and returning in store bc wider selection of sizes and there's more promos in app.