Recent comments in /f/washingtondc

GunnerGregory t1_jefom4v wrote


My late wife and I bought our last house specifically because it was walking distance to a Green Line metro station while still being a short drive to her workplace.

I used to only drive to Home Depot / Lowes and maybe the grocery store, and 99% of those trips were on the weekend.


dbmoss t1_jefn6bg wrote

For me it’s a toss up between The Red Hen in NW DC and Filomena in Georgetown. Filomena is more traditional and expensive. But the portions are huge/family style. The Red Hen is a little more modern.

Honorable mentions to Rose’s Luxury near Eastern Market. It’s not technically Italian but they always have modern pasta dishes on the menu (plus they give you free little make your own cacio e pepe kits when you leave).

Lupo Marino, it’s kind of pricy for what you get but IMO is best Italian option at the wharf/beats Officina.

Osteria Morini in the navy yard is pretty good, their cheese board is the best thing there imo though.

Stellina Pizzeria, is mostly known for their pizza but the pasta there is actually pretty good too - specifically their cacio e pepe


Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jefn5wk wrote

Legal fees I have to admit I kind of memory holed at this point. The advice I got suggested I should probably sue (the seller had been sued a couple times before but I couldn't find much in the way of results) but the need to do the work ASAP meant I might end up paying twice. I was extremely wary of lawyers and had no faith they'd do anything but screw me over more than I had been.

Total costs were probably in the range 40K range.

I can also recommend a structural residential engineer if you need a third party eye to anything a vendor may propose/get your own design. RESolutions