Recent comments in /f/washingtondc

Msbirdperson t1_jegdx2r wrote

I mean, I don't remember pre-pandemic times being any better than half the time you are complaining about, but I suppose a 50% increase is pretty dramatic. But considering the pandemic and the 30 min wait times, I'd say 10's pretty okay.


ucnedi t1_jegd0pr wrote

I’m a DC native and although I grew up with my parents both owning cars and then moving away and living in densly populated cities, I stand by my point to live car-free for the rest of my life. I hate driving and I don’t see the point in having one when I can just metro/bike/scooter everywhere with an ocassional uber ride. No regrets!

I bike to work everyday. I use Metro (mainly bus) to run errands/visit places and people. Scooter if I am in a rush/running errands (if I don’t feel like biking) and will Uber ocassionaly. Not super often.

I don’t regret it. I would not be able to afford a car if I had one anyway.


capcityff918 t1_jegbjha wrote

Reply to comment by Brickleberried in Chick-delayed by Brave-Cream391

Again… running around in circles doesn’t make it more urgent to us. We have extra information that you do not have. We are strategic on how things are done.

What do I know though? I’ve been a firefighter isn’t he city for years but I’m sure you can do a better job. Maybe just leave this job to those of us who have dedicated our lives to it.