Recent comments in /f/washingtondc
Feisty_Law_3321 t1_jegockx wrote
Reply to comment by lukeisheretic in Finally met the man himself by ddd117
I can promise you that it is way more strange/rude/pathetic to criticize someone wearing a baseball jersey to a baseball game than it is to wear a jersey.
BansheeLoveTriangle t1_jego8aa wrote
Reply to The Metro is the reason my car stays in the garage for weeks at a time. Without it, I would be driving 3-4 days a week. How much more frequently would you be driving if it weren’t for the Metro? by SuperBethesda
I need a car for work (potential for having to go into work after metro hours) - with silver line expansion I can start taking the metro and I think I might monday - because traffic has gotten even worse. I maybe drive on the weeknight/weekend maybe once or twice a quarter
[deleted] t1_jego536 wrote
Reply to comment by umd_terps_2012 in DC metro waiting time are sad by magredditbu
[deleted] t1_jego45y wrote
Reply to comment by SamW20910 in Someome explain this shady ass auction nonsense to me please... by pantshirtshoes
35chambers t1_jegnyo6 wrote
Reply to comment by orion2145 in DC metro waiting time are sad by magredditbu
they never said all transit is bad
Brainjacker t1_jegnh4t wrote
Reply to Not notified about rent increase by lc1138
OTA got us a landlord check for nearly 5 figures after they'd blatantly screwed around with illegal renewals/increases, all for the cost of one meeting and a follow-up phone call. This was about 6 years back but definitely worth inquiring.
Greenmind76 t1_jegn9j2 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Rep. Boebert’s Informed and Coherent Criminal Code Revision at Yesterday’s Hearing by literpu
Hmm that’s a tough one. I would stick to private spaces. You don’t want to show up on Reddit as the ball shiner.
Milazzo t1_jegn6ag wrote
Keep in mind it's not just a safety issue - Dupont Circle is also a really fun neighborhood to live in just in general. I lived there for years and loved the safety, the easy walk to lots of other neighborhoods I hung out in like Logan and Shaw, and just the overall vibes. NoMa is a little less connected in my opinion to the rest of places you might want to go to, so you might want to consider that along with overall safety, which I cannot comment on as I live in an Old Town bubble now.
Cool_Story_Bra t1_jegmovs wrote
The only somewhat dangerous part of NoMa is on the North Capitol side of things. When the homeless encampments were under the underpasses that could also occasionally see an incident.
Given that the encampments are gone, and you’re multiple blocks from North Capitol with no reason to be close to that part at night, you’re fine.
As someone who’s lived in that part of town for multiple years and watched it change, I’d say it’s nearly as safe as DuPont circle now, for the average person. I mean your apartment is right between an REI, a gay brewery, a planned parenthood, and an elementary school. This isn’t the hood people make it out to be, it’s thoroughly yuppie.
umd_terps_2012 t1_jegmaqj wrote
Reply to comment by new_account_5009 in DC metro waiting time are sad by magredditbu
You must not take the red line during rush hour. Currently shoulder to shoulder at metro center lol
Daniels_Cafeteria t1_jeglvcr wrote
Reply to DC metro waiting time are sad by magredditbu
You’re sad
Ubik5000 t1_jeglco4 wrote
Reply to DC metro waiting time are sad by magredditbu
cant believe you'd bash public trans on TDOV
mjornir t1_jegl2cq wrote
Reply to The Metro is the reason my car stays in the garage for weeks at a time. Without it, I would be driving 3-4 days a week. How much more frequently would you be driving if it weren’t for the Metro? by SuperBethesda
I used to drive every day in my home town-now I drive once a week if that. Mostly just to not get the street sweeper tickets. So 6 times a week
redditreddit2488 OP t1_jegknh5 wrote
Reply to comment by ActuaryPersonal2378 in Betta Fish by redditreddit2488
Thanks for the suggestions
bonerinyourbutt t1_jegk8zk wrote
Reply to Metro Center Stop is Top Notch by pjmckenna2w
Just wear Kevlar
thekingoftherodeo t1_jegk6ar wrote
Reply to comment by magredditbu in DC metro waiting time are sad by magredditbu
> Once you have to time your trips, it doesn't really count as functional working transportation for me
Sorry what?
OP: total first world problem. WMATA has its issues, but 10 minute headways aren't even on the first page of the list.
armyuvamba t1_jegj7bh wrote
Reply to comment by EternalMoonChild in DC metro waiting time are sad by magredditbu
This used to be normal during rush hour pre pandemic….trains would come every 3-5 mins it felt like. And if you had to switch lines, it wasn’t such an issue. Now you have to wait 10+ mins for one line and then another 10+ mins for the other line. All in pretty crowded trains during rush hours. More trains is a legitimate ask.
WalterS0bchack t1_jegj184 wrote
Reply to comment by Calm_Farmer_3061 in PSA: veo scooters go 15 mph by twenty-six-sixty-six
As a disabled vet who no casual observer would immediately figure out am disabled, yes. The point still stands though, DC needs to regulate them better than they currently do. Of course that could be said about many, many aspects of city government.
ActuaryPersonal2378 t1_jegiybu wrote
Reply to Betta Fish by redditreddit2488
Nova Tropicals is gorgeous. They do have a betta selection although stock seems to vary - might recommend calling them first to see how much they have in. I definitely recommend checking them out. Even if you don't find your dream betta there if you go, it's still a great store to look around. I didn't end up getting a betta from them, but they're probably my first choice if I decide to restart my tank at some point
I got a betta from Tropical Lagoon in Silver Spring and it ended up having really bad ich which was kind of a pain, especially because I'm new to the hobby.
mistersmiley318 OP t1_jegiu3c wrote
Reply to You know what's a massively underrated success story when it comes to traffic safety in DC? Leading pedestrian intervals at traffic lights. by mistersmiley318
For those unfamiliar with the concept, a leading pedestrian interval lets pedestrians go for at least a couple of seconds before the signal for cars turns green. This is a ridiculously cheap intervention that measurably improves pedestrian safety through increased visibility in crosswalks. I'm not sure if it's been implemented District-wide, but it's at a ton of intersections now and at least in my experience, it definitely feels safer. Sometimes DDOT can do stupid things, but I'm real glad they made this change and wish it was more common across the US.
Boring_Train_273 t1_jegh8y1 wrote
Reply to The Metro is the reason my car stays in the garage for weeks at a time. Without it, I would be driving 3-4 days a week. How much more frequently would you be driving if it weren’t for the Metro? by SuperBethesda
No difference. I don’t take the metro.
ButterPotatoHead t1_jegh65f wrote
Reply to DC metro waiting time are sad by magredditbu
I hate to say it but 10 minutes isn't bad. I've seen 15-18 minutes within an hour of rush hour.
I used to commute from the near Virginia suburbs to 4000 Wisconsin Ave. by bus and it was 50-75 minutes each way for a trip that was about 10 miles. The best part is when I went to take the bus home, I'd wait at the stop for 30-40 minutes and then see 3 buses (which are supposed to run every 10-15 min) all pull up bumper to bumper.
I'll take a 10 minute metro wait any day.
polkadotcupcake t1_jegh1o5 wrote
Reply to The Metro is the reason my car stays in the garage for weeks at a time. Without it, I would be driving 3-4 days a week. How much more frequently would you be driving if it weren’t for the Metro? by SuperBethesda
I'll take the flip side of this - metro is not a convenient option from my location in the 'burbs. I use it a single digit number of times per year, mostly when I have friends in town and I'm playing tourist in the city with them all day. I hate driving in this area more than words can describe, but I do it every day out of necessity. If metro were an option for my daily commute, I would use it.
lylyls t1_jegodt5 wrote
Reply to comment by drodrige in The Metro is the reason my car stays in the garage for weeks at a time. Without it, I would be driving 3-4 days a week. How much more frequently would you be driving if it weren’t for the Metro? by SuperBethesda
Unfortunately we don’t have a library here 🙁