Recent comments in /f/washingtondc
BrunettexAmbition t1_jegtqvn wrote
Reply to comment by magredditbu in DC metro waiting time are sad by magredditbu
Exactly, the idea that people around here think that 8 or 10 minutes is reasonable almost all other major cities worldwide have figured it out boggles the mind. Hell even with our crumbling infrastructure in the US this is way behind other cities like NYC, Philly, and Boston. I’m so sick of people saying be grateful for the crappy things we have when we’re trailing behind and paying a premium.
lukeisheretic t1_jegtjq7 wrote
Reply to comment by Feisty_Law_3321 in Finally met the man himself by ddd117
Yeah I wouldn't knock someone for wearing one that's for sure haha. My opinion is just for my personal fashion
[deleted] t1_jegtgqx wrote
Reply to comment by eventhestarsburn in Best Target for women’s clothes in the area? by FluidImagination2634
eventhestarsburn t1_jegtfr9 wrote
Reply to comment by FluidImagination2634 in Best Target for women’s clothes in the area? by FluidImagination2634
I’d pass on Mosaic, the clothing/shoe sections are always soooooo messy. Even right after opening. That store stresses me out. It’s fine for groceries or whatever but I can’t look for clothes there. The one is fair oaks is far but last time I went there (a random weekday morning) it was so clean and quiet. There’s also a new-ish (I think) target off leesburg pike in falls church that’s huge and not as far as fair oaks
Macrophage87 t1_jegt0cm wrote
Reply to comment by thekingoftherodeo in DC metro waiting time are sad by magredditbu
Because of the war with Russia, Kiev metro had to reduce the frequency of it's lines off peak to 6 minutes. On peak times without a war, the headways are 1 hr 40 minutes. It's not a first-world problem, it's a carbrained problem.
BrunettexAmbition t1_jegsxpv wrote
Reply to comment by onebigcube in DC metro waiting time are sad by magredditbu
8 minutes isn’t reasonable either. When I first moved here, I thought how great the metro was by comparison to the subways in NYC & Philly. DC metro is newer and cleaner but with these waits and lack of train staggered for those that have to chain lines, I’m eating those words. I’ll take dirty, grimy, and never having to check a schedule again any day.
AnonyJustAName t1_jegsny2 wrote
Look at the MPD crime cards for each address for the past year, past 2 years
Walk around during the daytime weekdays and weekends and after dark. See what your comfort level is.
damnatio_memoriae t1_jegsfbf wrote
Reply to The Metro is the reason my car stays in the garage for weeks at a time. Without it, I would be driving 3-4 days a week. How much more frequently would you be driving if it weren’t for the Metro? by SuperBethesda
i never drive but tbh i don't even use metro either. i walk or bike everywhere i need to go but that's only because the nearest metro stations to me are all farther away than most of the places i need or want to go. if metro had more extensive coverage of the city and ran more frequently i would use it regularly. fuck cars though.
jigga19 t1_jegsehh wrote
Reply to The Metro is the reason my car stays in the garage for weeks at a time. Without it, I would be driving 3-4 days a week. How much more frequently would you be driving if it weren’t for the Metro? by SuperBethesda
“How much more would you be driving if you needed to drive somewhere but didn’t have an alternative mode of transportation?”
“I guess I would drive more frequently.”
“Thant makes sense. More. Gotcha.”
umadbr00 t1_jegse2q wrote
Reply to Metro Center Stop is Top Notch by pjmckenna2w
Sometimes it takes posts like these for me to appreciate living in this city. Stopping at Metro Center is nearly a weekly event for me so I just blow through the station and don't appreciate it for what it's worth. Great photo OP! And from someone who used to live in a Midwest city, I hear you.
[deleted] t1_jegs898 wrote
drodrige t1_jegrzgc wrote
Reply to comment by lylyls in The Metro is the reason my car stays in the garage for weeks at a time. Without it, I would be driving 3-4 days a week. How much more frequently would you be driving if it weren’t for the Metro? by SuperBethesda
Ahhh I didn’t see that, just the bookstore and I thought it was lost city books.
dcsnarkington t1_jegryfm wrote
Reply to comment by Practicalclosetsnob in Glenmont redline racist incident march 30th, 2023 by Key_Ad_7299
I mean in all fairness the majority of non-black people on earth would probably not prefer their daughter marry a black man.
I think a lot of white people in America today have trouble admitting that to themselves. To include people who voted for Obama.
DesperateWorker1045 t1_jegrtyv wrote
I lived in both and personally prefer DuPont, even though my studio was insanely small
Practical_Cherry8308 t1_jegrt4k wrote
yuraku is good and has happy hour. not sure it’s “cheap” though
Practicalclosetsnob t1_jegrq0g wrote
Reply to comment by dcsnarkington in Glenmont redline racist incident march 30th, 2023 by Key_Ad_7299
100% agree
dcsnarkington t1_jegrj18 wrote
Reply to comment by Practicalclosetsnob in Glenmont redline racist incident march 30th, 2023 by Key_Ad_7299
You know when people ask me if East Asians are racist towards black people, I usually have to preface it with there is a sliding scale of racism toward African Americans.
Highest level of racism: enslaving an entire race of people creating a multinational industry to capture, transport them from africa and sell them in the Americas. From the 16th to the 19th century.
Murdering people and using threats or violence to perpetuate a system of race based authority and rule. Jim Crowe south from the end of the civil war until the 1970s.
Systemically denying a race of people civil rights and implementing second class citizenship supported by the government. Same as #2, but arguably a significant issue up until the early 1990s and lingering to this day.
Individual cases of racist violence not supported by the govt. 2009 Charleston mass shooting.
Being mean or something less than perfectly fair to someone because of their race. Not wanting someone to marry your daughter because he's black.
There might be some of 5) going on amongst East Asians, but not 1-4.
Super_Ad_2578 t1_jegrbpb wrote
Reply to DC metro waiting time are sad by magredditbu
This is pretty far down the list of things to take issue with when it comes to WMATA. Pearl clutching over 10 minute lead times at 4 am is a bit much.
[deleted] t1_jegqsom wrote
Reply to comment by Greenmind76 in Rep. Boebert’s Informed and Coherent Criminal Code Revision at Yesterday’s Hearing by literpu
[deleted] t1_jegql1s wrote
Reply to comment by Greenmind76 in Rep. Boebert’s Informed and Coherent Criminal Code Revision at Yesterday’s Hearing by literpu
twenty-six-sixty-six t1_jegpxp1 wrote
noma kind of sucks as a neighborhood, so be sure to factor that into your decision
Accomplished-Bar-269 t1_jegpm0u wrote
Reply to comment by ConversationMost6540 in Vegan question by flugelderfreiheit777
Yea I hate it when a restaurant puts their menu online and then won’t go out of their way to cater to my personal dietary restrictions.
Moarwatermelons t1_jegpkbp wrote
Reply to The Metro is the reason my car stays in the garage for weeks at a time. Without it, I would be driving 3-4 days a week. How much more frequently would you be driving if it weren’t for the Metro? by SuperBethesda
My battery keeps on dying because I only start her up MAYBE once a week or more
Lalalama t1_jegpg4w wrote
Reply to comment by ladakn99 in The Metro is the reason my car stays in the garage for weeks at a time. Without it, I would be driving 3-4 days a week. How much more frequently would you be driving if it weren’t for the Metro? by SuperBethesda
Yeah I wanted to grab coffee at Union Market today from the upper NW. Took my car since it was a little windy. Big mistake. Ended up driving to the area, hit traffic and just went home hitting more traffic. Ended up being more than an hour back and forth. Next time I’ll metro lol.
tom_snout t1_jegty7n wrote
Reply to You know what's a massively underrated success story when it comes to traffic safety in DC? Leading pedestrian intervals at traffic lights. by mistersmiley318
These lights are great for bikes as well. It’s a noticeable downgrade when riding out in the burbs where there are no such leading signals (or none where I go at least)