Submitted by joegant t3_11dby0m
Submitted by Ruze42 t3_10pg8k8
Submitted by RedBarbaRoja t3_ytpc9p
Submitted by ftgrapher t3_122zpyy
Submitted by webbmoncure t3_yd0ykc
Submitted by Worf0fWallStreet t3_z7z6cv
Submitted by yunnifymonte t3_10n3bb6
Submitted by moveshake t3_z35zly
A group of Puerto Rican nationalists are photographed after their arraignment for shooting up the U.S. House of Representatives. Seeking an independent Puerto Rico, the four stormed the building and opened fire while the House was in session, wounding five members of Congress (1954).
Submitted by lightiggy t3_10d0ajv
WMATA to increase weekday train frequency on February 7 and 21, increase number of 8-car trains (Orange Line will have all 8 car trains starting 2/7)
Submitted by trev1997 t3_10lvsrm
Submitted by washingtonpost t3_yuxrjr
Submitted by WeebedOut t3_124ntbq
Submitted by thebestbytina t3_zxuptj
Submitted by EmmaPaws t3_zzsyp6
Submitted by porterpilsner t3_ycct83
Submitted by GirlWithOnei t3_113a34r
Submitted by Affectionate-Ad-1342 t3_zvr8kd
Submitted by districtsyrup t3_ztr76g
Submitted by Dfizzle2 t3_117v8bd
Submitted by JulioChavezReuters t3_z87bbw
Submitted by therealsazerac t3_z8ai7z
October 26, 1909 Major General Oliver Otis Howard passed away in Burlington, VT. He lost his arm to wounds from the Battle of Fair Oaks. His actions that day earned him the Medal of Honor. After the war, he worked in the Freedman’s Bureau and founded Howard University in Washington D.C.
Submitted by Unionforever1865 t3_ye03w2
Submitted by pjmckenna2w t3_127tjdh
Submitted by Parking-Steak8032 t3_11c0z4b